Ex-Officio Chairman—Governor J. M. Terrell.
Commissioner of Agriculture — O. B. Stevens.
Commissioner-General—Colonel Dudley M. Hughes.
Assistant Commissioner-General — Glas- cock Barrett.
Vice-Commissioner-General — Hugh V. Washington.
Commissioner—F. B. Gordon.
Commissioner—H. H. Tift.
Advisory Board.
John M. Egan. Col. P. A. Stovall. E. L. Ralney. I. P. Cocke. Dr. L. H. Chappell. Harry Fisher. Oliver Porter. Dr. J. H. Turner. W. J. Kinkaid. A. H. Shaver. W. J. NeaL
Dr. T. H. Baker.
McAlpine Thornton.
James M. Smith.
Dr. J. F. Erwin.
H. M. Franklin.
E. B. Hook.
Col. J. F. DeLacy.
W. 8. Humphries.
John A. Cobb.
R. C. Intosh,
James B. Gaston.
Governor J. T. Morrison.
President—James E. Steele.
Vice-President—R. W. McBride.
Secretary—Mrs. W. H. Mansfield.
Idaho Section Forestry Building—Martin
J. Weasels.
Executive Commissioner — Clarence B. Hurtt.
Dr. Harold J. Read.
Miss Anne Sonna.
'Miss Genevieve Vollmer.
President—H. M. Dunlap.
Vice-President—C. N. Travous.
Second Vice-President—J. P. Mahoney.
Secretary—John J. Brown.
Treasurer—Walter Warder.
William J. Moxley. John H. Miller.
C. F. Coleman. W. L. Mounts.
C. C. Craig. J. N. C. Shumway.
Albert Campbell. Thomas K. Condit.
James H. Farrell. John H. Pierce.
D. M. Funk.
President—Newton W. Gilbert.
Vice-President—Henry W. Marshall.
Secretary—James W. Cockrum.
Assistant Secretary—A. C. Alexander.
W. W. Wicks. Frank C. Ball.
W. W. Stevens. C. C. Shirley.
W. H. O'Brien. Fremont Goodwlne.
Crawford Fairbanks. Joseph B. Grass.
D. W. Kinsey. Stephen B. Fleming.
N. A. Gladding. Melville W. Mix.
Chairman—Thomas Ryan, First Assistant
Secretary of the Interior. Executive Commissioner—F. C. Hubbard. Honorary Commissioner—H. B. Johnson. Honorary Commissioner—A. J. Brown. Honorary Commissioner—W. H. McWilliams.
Honorary Commissioner—J. E. Campbell. Honorary Commissioner—H. B. Spauldlng. Honorary Commissioner—J. J. McAlester. Honorary Commissioner—William Busby. Clerk—Miss Olive Blentlinger.
Commissloners-at-Large. President—William Larrabee. Chairman Executive Committee—W. W.
Commissioners Representing Districts. Vice-President—W. F. Harriman. Secretary—F. R. Conaway. Treasurer—S. M. Leach. Leroy A. Palmer. George M. Curtis. Thomas Updegraff.
James H. Trewln. W. T. Shepherd.
Samuel S. Carruthers. C. J. A. Ericson.
S. Bailey. W. C. Whiting.
Auxiliary Committee.
Mrs. W. H. Baily.
Mrs. H. J. Howe.
Mrs. H. E. Deemer.
President—John C. Carpenter.
Vice-President—J. C. Morrow.
Treasurer—R. T. Simons.
Secretary—C. H. Luling.
William P. Waggener.
President—A. Y. Ford.
Vice-President—Chas. C. Spalding.
Secretary and Director of Exhibits—R. И. Hughes.
W. H. Cox. J. B. Bowles.
W. T. Ellis. Charles E. Hoge.
Clarence Dallara. A. G. Caruth.
W. H. Newman. B. L. D. Guffy.
Sam P. Jones. Garrett S. Wall.
Sam'l Grabfelder. Frank M. Fisher.
M. H. Crump.
President—Gov. Newton C. Blanchard.
State Commissioner—Dr. W. C. Stubbs.
Secretary—Major J. G. Lee.
Assistant to State Commissioner—Robert Glenk.
Assistant Secretary—Charles K. Fuqua.
General J. B. Levert.
Colonel Charles Schuler.
H. L. Gueydan.
Chairman—Louis B. Goodall.
Secretary—Edward E. Philbrook.
Frank H. Briggs.
Charles C. Burrlll.
Lemuel Lane.
Henry W. Sargent.
Chairman—General L. Victor Baughman.
Vice-Chairman—Francis E. Waters.
Treasurer—Frederick P. Stieff.
Secretary—Samuel K. Dennis.
Frank N. Hoen.
William A. Marburg.
William H. Grafflin.
Wesley M. Oler.
Thomas H. Robinson.
Jacob M. Pearce. Mrs. Parks Fisher.
Orlando Harrison. P. P. Cator.
Mrs. Frances E. Lord.H. J. McGrath.
President—Dr. George Harris. Vice-President—Mrs. Sarah C. Sears. Recording Secretary—Mrs. Mary Alden
Secretary—James M. Perkins.
Wilson H. Fairbank.
Thomas B. Fitzpatrick.
Ex-Offlcio Member—Governor Aaron T. Bliss.
President—Frederick B. Smith.
Vice-President—Austin Farrell.
Treasurer—Roy S. Barnhart.
Secretary—Hal H. Smith.
Assistant Secretary—William A. Hurst.
Dr. Aaron R. Ingram.
Charles P. Downey.
President—Conde Hamlin.
Vice-President—J. M. Underwood.
Secretary—TBeodore L. Hays.
Superintendent—C. S. Mitchell.
Assistant to Superintendent—J. 0. Whitney.
Ex-Offlcio Chairman — Governor J. K.
Chairman—Dr. O. B. Qulnn.
State Commissioner—R. H. Henry.
Secretary—Frank Burkitt.
L. H. Enochs.
V. P. Still.
President—M. T. Davis.
Vice-President—Frank J. Moss.
Secretary—B. H. Bonfoey.
Treasurer—J. H. Hawthorne.
N. H. Gentry.
David P. Stroup.
J. O. Allison.
L. F. Parker.
President—Lee Mantle.
Vice-President—Martin Maginnis.
Secretary—Paul McCormick.
Treasurer—C. W. Hoffman.
Special Agent—W. C. Buskett.
C. J. McNamara.
T. L. Greenough.
B. F. White.
D. McDonald.
J. H. Rice.
W. G. Conrad.
H. L. Frank.
F. A. Heinze.
William Scallon.
Conrad Kohrs.
D. R. Peeler.
Miss Mary A. Cruse.
Mrs. W. W. Cheeley.
Mrs. T. R. Carson.
President—G. W. Wattles.
Vice-President—Peter Jansen.
Treasurer—Matt Miller.
Secretary—H. G. Shedd.
President—Governor John Sparks.
Vice-President and Executive Commissioner—J. A. Yerlngton.
Commissioner and Secretary—C. H. B. Hardln.
Member Ladies' Auxiliary—Miss Jeane Schillig.
President—General Charles S. Collins.
Vice-President and Executive Commis-
sioner—Arthur C. Jackson.
Secretary—Omar A. Towne.
Treasurer—Augustine R. Ayers.
J. Adam Graf.
Orton B. Brown.
M. Meehan.
Chief Commissioner—Foster M. Vorhees. Secretary—Lewis T. Bryant.
Elbert Rappleye.
Edgar B. Ward.
C. E. Breckenridge.
Edward R. Weiss.
J. T. MacMurray.
Ira W. Wood.
W. H. Wiley.
Johnston Cornish.
Harry Humphreys.
R. W. Herbert.
President—Charles A. Spiess.
Vice-President—Charles A. Dalies.
Treasurer—Arthur Seligman.
Secretary—W. B. Walton.
Manager—M. W. Porterfleld.
Assistant Manager—W. C. Porterfleld.
Eusebio Chacon.
Fayette A. Jones.
Herbert J. Hagerman.
President—Edward H. Harriman.
Vlce-Presldent—William Berri.
Secretary and Chief Executive Officer—
Charles A. Ball.
Assistant Secretary—Mrs. Dore Lyon. Chairman of Executive Committee—Louis Stern.
Treasurer—Edward Lyman Bill.
Lewis Nixon.
Frank S. McGraw.
Mrs. Norman E. Mack.
Frederick R. Green.
John C. Woodbury.
John K. Stewart .
James H. ('allanan.
John Young.
Commissioner-General—H. H. Brimley.
Resident Commissioner—T. K. Bruner.
Resident Commissioner—J. A. Holmes.
President—Governor Frank White. Executive Commissioner and Manager—
Lieutenant-Governor David Bartlett . Secretary Commissioner of Agriculture—
R. J. Turner.
State Auditor—H. L. Holmes.
Warren N. Steele.
President—William F. Burdell.
Vice-President—L. E. Holden.
Executive Commissioner—Stacey B. Rankln.
Edward Hagenhuch.
Newell K. Kennon.
David Friedman.
M. K. Gantz.
David H. Moore.
Chairman—Joseph Meibergen.
Secretary—Edgar B. Marchant.
Treasurer—Otto A. Shuttee.
President—Jefferson Myers.
Vice-President—W. E. Thomas.
Secretary—Edmond C. Glltner.
Special Commissioner and General Super-
intendent—W. H. Wehrung.
Private Secretary to General Superintendent—Layton Wisdom.
F. A. Spencer. Richard Scott .
Dav Raffety. Frank Williams.
J. C. Flanders. F. G. Young.
G. Y. Harry. George Conser.
J. H. Albert .
Portland, Oregon, 1905.
Commissioner-General and Director of Exhibits—Henry E. Dosch.
Director of Concessions and Admissions— John A. Wakefleld.
President—Governor Samuel W. Penny- packer.
Treasurer—Frank G. Harris.
Secretary—Bromley Wharton.
Chairman Executive Committee—Henry F. Walton.
Secretary Executive Committee—Geo. J. Brennan.
Executive Officer—James H. Lambert.
Architect—Philip H. Johnson.
Superintendent State Building—Thomas H. Garvín.
William M. Brown. William H. Ulrich.
E. B. Hardenbergh. A. F. Cooper.
Isaac B. Brown. Frank B. McClaln.
John M. Scott . George J. Hartman.
John C. Grady. William S. Harvey.
William C. Sproul. Morris L. Clothier.
William P. Snyder. Joseph M. Gazzam.
J. Henry Cochran. George H. Earle, Jr.
Cyrus E. Woods. Charles B. Penrose.
Theodore B. Stulb. George T. Oliver.
John Hamilton. H. H. Gilkyson.
Walter B. Kirker. Hiram Young.
William Wayne. James Pollock.
John A. F. Hoy. James McBrier.
Fred T. Ikeler.
President—Mr. Jaime Annexy.
Commissioner—Mr. Gustavo Preston.
Commissioner—Mr. Antonio Marian!.
Assistant Secretary—Mr. L. A. Castro.
Honorary Commissioner—Mrs. R. A. Miller.
Honorary Commissioner—Mrs. Hortensia Y. de Annexy.
Representative Woman's Aid Society of San Juan—Miss Maria Stahl.
Representative of Benevolent Society of Ponce—Mrs. David A. Skinner.
Superintendent of Education—Misa Pearl Magehan.
Attaché—Mr. Nicholas Hernandez.
President—Robert T. Treat
Vice-President—William F. Oleason.
Treasurer—Edwin G. Penniman.
Secretary—George E. Ball.
Executive Commissioner—Geo. N. Kingsbury.
Colonel Patrick E. Hayes.
Frank L. Budlong.
George L. Shepley.
President—S. W. Russell.
Vice-President—L. T. Boucher.
Treasurer—W. B. Saunders.
Secretary—George R. Farmer.
Chairman—Governor James B. Frazler.
Secretary and Director of Exhibits—B. A. Enloe.
Assistant Secretary—D. F. Wallace, Jr.
E. C. Lewis.
John W. Fry.
Hu C. Anderson.
Thomas W. Neal.
I. F. Peters.
J. H. Caldwell.
Chas. A. Keffer.
E. Watkins.
John F. McNntt.
J. M. Shoffner.
Mrs. J. P. Smartt .
Mrs. Mary C. Dorrls.
Mrs. A. S. Buchanan.
President—John H. Kirby.
Vice-President—L. J. Polk.
Vice-President—W. W. Seley.
Vice-President—Walter Tips.
Treasurer—Royal A. Ferris.
Secretary and General Manager—Louis J. Wortham.
Chairman Executive Committee — Paul Waples.
Executive Commissioner—P. P. Paddock.
Resident Commissioner—R. H. Sexton.
A. W. Houston. E. P. Perkins.
Barnett Gibbs. L. L. Jester.
B. F. Hammett . Monta J. Moore.
Jesse Shaln.
Chairman—Governor Heber M. Wells.
Secretary—John Q. Cannon.
Director-General—S. T. Whltaker.
Hoyt Sherman.
Samuel Newhouse.
L. W. Shurtliff.
Ex-Offlclo Chairman—Governor Charles J. Bell.
President—W. Seward Webb.
Vice-President and Executive Commissioner—Arthur C. Jackson.
Second Vice-President — Frederick G. Fleetwood.
Secretary and Counsel—J. G. Enright.
Treasurer—F. W. Stanyan.
Miss Mary Evarts.
President—G. W. Kolner.
Secretary, Superintendent and Treasurer
—G. E. Murrell.
Second Assistant—W. W. Baker.
A. M. Bowman.
J. L. Patton.
O. W. Stone.
B. C. Banks.
J. Lyman Babcock.
President—A. L. Black.
Secretary—G. W. R. Peaslee.
Executive Commissioner—Elmer E. Johnston.
Deputy Executive Commissioner—А. Ж McDonald.
Secretary to Executive Commissioner— Geo. L. Harrigan.
Edward C. Cheasty.
Thomas Harrington.
M. E. Hay.
G. L. Llndsley.
R. P. Thomas.
W. W. Tolman.
Chairman—N. E. Whitaker.
Vice-Chairman—Fred Paul Grosscup.
Treasurer—D. E. Abbott .
Secretary—A. H. Winchester.
Assistant Secretary—R. M. Archer.
Frank Cox.
E. C. Gerwlg.
John T. McGraw.
President—W. D. Hoard.
Vice-President—A. J. Lindemann.
Secretary—Grant Thomas.
Treasurer—S. A. Cook.
W. H. Flett.
William A. Scott .
Mrs. Lucy E. Morris.
Mrs. Theodora Youmans.
President—Bryant E. Brooks.
Vice-President—George E. Pexton.
Commissioner-in-Chief—Clarence B. Richardson.
Secretary—William C. Deming.
Assistant to the Commission—H. E. Grain.
Willis George Emerson.
W. H. Holliday.
J. L. Baird.