Hand carved and decorated in gold and lacquer, a massive 150 foot  replica of the famous portal in Nekko, Japan greeted the  fairgoers to the Fair Japan attraction. 

Beyond the huge gate  was an original  old 42 foot high gate from Nio Mon (a Buddhist temple), which was elaborately carved out of wood.

Over 40 stores and booths  comprised the exhibit where all sorts of Japanese fare could be purchased. There were  candy-makers, carvers, artists, acrobats, weavers, fine jewelers, eateries, etc., all vying  for the fairgoers attention  (and money). Rickshaw bearers scurried to carry weary guests around the ponds and lakes full of carp.

Besides  containing  two tea houses,  served by 24 Geisha Girls in authentic wear, Fair Japan  housed a 500-seat restaurant of traditional fare.

Actors performed traditional combat techniques in authentic armor in the theater.

After the Fair closed, the 150  foot welcoming decorative gate was relocated to Forest Park Highlands  (a St. Louis  amusement park), where it was used as a bandstand until it was destroyed by  fire in
the 1960’s.

A very popular and  sister attrac
tion to Fair  Japan, was the Fair Japan Bazaar. This was  a free  area that opened directly onto the Pike.
Merchants  sold a multitude of  Japanese  fineries such as ivory, china, jade, silks  and souvenirs. The bazaar  alone  grossed- 85,937.87 dollars.

Exhibit Statictics:

Building cost:    65,000
Price of Admission-  25 cents adults 15 cents children
  (some say additional costs for theater)
Exhibition Profit-    205,889.67
Bazaar  Profit- 85,937.87
The  Nikko  Gate  of  Fair  Japan.
Posing at the Fair Japan
Lee  Gaskins'   AT THE FAIR  The 1904 St. Louis World's   Fair 
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