Kostuba, C. J.
Kostuba, Mrs. C. J.
Kostuba, Pauline
Kostuba, Philipine
Kotany, Max.
Kotsrean, F. J.
Kottensoette, E.
Kottemann, H. Jr.
Kottemann, R. Sr.
Kotthoff, L.
Kotthoff, Wm. J.
Kottkamp, Edw. C.
Kottkamp, J. H. Wm.
Kovinsky, Harris
Ko wert, Albrecht
Kowert, S.
Krackauer, Chas.
Kracker, Otto
Kraeger, E. R.
Kraehe, Robt. J.
Kraemer, Arthur L.
Kraemer, Fred
Kraemer, H.
Kraemer, J. F.
Kraemer, John
Kratz, Charles
Krummell, Wm.
Kraus, A. L.
Krupp, M.
Krause, Chas. L.
Kruse, Jno. H.
Krause, E. J.Кucera, John
Krause, J.Kuehn, C. A
Krausse, E. B.Kuehne, F. T.
Kreamer, Jno. A.Kuehne, Frank
Krebs, Dr. F. J. V.Kuehner, Adolph
Krebs, Geo. A.Kuenneke, Aug. C.
Krebs, Geo. W.Kuenzel, A.
Krebs, Martha M.Kuepper, Jno. F.
Kreft, W. A.Kueser, Jno. W.
Kregel, Louis G.Kuestner, Philip
Krcikenbaum, Aug.Kuettner, Otto
Krekeler, Cl.Kuhlenbeck, Hy.
Krekeler, FrankKuhlmann, H. C.
Krekeler, J.Kuhlmann, Henry W.
Krembs, Herman J.Kuhn, Carrie B.
Krenning, Mrs. C.Kuhn, Danl.
Krenning, H. F.Kuhn, Jacob
Krenning, W. W.Kuhns, Wm. H.
Kreplin, Robt.Kuhs, C. H.
Kreplin, Wm. E.Kuhs, H. W.
Kreppelt, Eugene J.Kulage, Arnold
Krctchmar, ErnestKulla, Otto
Kretchmar, H. A.Kunscmueller, C.
Kretlow, J. H. F.Kunsemueller, Mrs. S.
Kretzer, FrederickKuntz, Fred O.
Kreutzman, Edw.Kuntz, Geo. N.
Krewinghaus, Edw. F.Kuntz, Jacob
Kriegshauser, Geo.Kuntz, Louise
Kriegshauser, TonyKunze, Emile W.
Kriekenbaum, MaymeKunz, Alex.
Krienbaum, GerhardKunz, Chas. C.
Kring, Rich.Kunz, Henry
Kring, Wm.Kunz, J. J.
Krizek, A.Kunz, Louis
Kroeek, Fred L.Kupferle, Jno. C.
Kroeger, Frank A.Kupferle, Louis J.
Kroeger, Geo. B.Kupferle, Oliver M.
Kroeger, H.Kurrmann, Conrad
Kroeger, PaulineKurten, Frank
Kroehle, ErnestKurten, Joseph
Kroemeke, Chas.Kurth, Ernest J.
Kroemke, Wm.Kurtz, John
Krone, NicholasKurz, Danl.
Kronenberger, BerthaKutz, Jos. A.
Kronmueller, C. L.Kypta, S.
Kronsbein, W. H.
Kropp, E. J.L
Kruckemeyer, Gus. La Beaume, Louis T.
Krueger, Frank C.La Beaume, W. W.
Krueger, Max.Laber, C. G.
Kruemmell, Hy.La Berge, W. L.
Kruer, ArthurLa Brier, P.
Krull, A. J.Labsap, S.
Knill, H. CLacari, John
Krull, JohnLacey, Geo.
Lachmund, Fannie L.
Lackay, Mary E.
Lackey, John
Lackland, C. K.
Lackland, H. K.
Lackland, R. J. Jr.
Lackland, S. H.
La Cour, J. E.
Lacy, Annie
Lacy, Francis A.
Lacy, L. W.
Lademan, Otto T.
Ladd, Chas. P.
Ladd, Chauncy
Laemmel, J. F. H.
Laidley, L. H.
Laing, R. H.
Laird, Geo. M.
Laird, John A.
Lake, Leonora M.
Lake, O. R.
Lally, Jas.
Lally, John
Lally, P. M.
Lally, Peter
Lamb, E.
Lamb, Louis T.
Lamb, Luke
Lamb, Nicholas
Lamb, R. F.
Lambe, W. F.
Lambert, C.
Lambert, Jordan W. '
Lambert, Mrs. J. W.
Lambrecht, Chas.
Lammers, Arthur
Lammers, Aug. C.
Lammert, Martin
Lamont, C. E.
Lamothe, Chas.
Lampe, B.
Lampel, F. L.
Lampel, Wm.
Lampe, Herman
Lampert, Jacob
Lampertz, John
Lamping, B. H.
Lamping, Henry
Lancaster, A. A.
Lancaster, Annie M.
Land, Chas. C.
Landau, Jos.
Landau, Leo A.
Landau, Sol.
Landauer, B.
Landauer, Simon
Landers, Chas.
Landeryou, Chas. C.
Landvoght, Mrs.
Landwehr, Louis
Landwehr, Mrs. L.
Lane, Belle
Lane, David S.
Lane, E. B.
Lane, E. H.
Lane, F. A.
Lane, Groves M.
Lane, H. C.
Lane, John Beach
Lane, John J.
Lane, P. C.
Lane, Price
Laney, G. A.
Lang, August
Lang, Aug. J.
Lang, C.
Lang, F. J.
Lang, Gustav
Lang, H. A.
Lang, John
Lang, W. F.
Langan, O. P.
Langan, Wm. J.
Langdon, Add. L.
Lange, Adam
Lange, A. F.
Lange, B. A.
Lange, Chas. F.
Lange, D. F.
Lange, Emma
Lange, Henry
Lange, Louisa
Lange, Wm. A.
Langeland, Jos.
Langemann, Peter E.
Langenberg, Roy M.
Langston, Arthur D.
Lanham, A. H.
Lanham, Philip S.
Lanigan, J. W.
Lantz, George
Lanz, Fred
Lapham, L. W.
Lapp, H. W.
La Prelle, J. L.
La Prelle, John
Lardner, Patrick
Larkin, Michael
Larkin, M. P.
Larkin, M. W.
Larkin, P.
Larsen, Peter
Larson, E.
Lasar, A. A.
Lasar, Eddie
Lasar, E. E.

Lasar, Robbie
Lasky, Jacob
Lassen, Chas. F.
Latham, Annie
Latimer, A. W.
Latta, Rufus
Latty, J. W.
Laube, David
Lauburg, O. W.
Lauferseick, C.
Lauferseick, Ed.
Lauferseick, Wm.
Lauft, Augusta
Lauff, Caroline
Laughlin, H. D.
Laughlin, Randolph
Lauman, Wm.
Lau mann, H.
Laun, E.

Laurie, Jos. S. Jr.
Laut, Jacob
Lauth, H.
Lauth, John
Laux, H. M.
Lavat, W. C.
Laverdure, Alfred
Lavin, E. C.
Lavin, Jas. G.
Lavin, John J.
Law, Fred H.
Lawitzky, Margaret
Lawnin, Al. W.
Lawnin, Louis D.
Lawrence, Andrew M.
Lawrence, Catherine B.
Lawrence, H. B.
Lawrence, J. A.
Lawrence, J. J.
Lawrence, Percival B.
Lawrenz, Dr. W. F.
Laws, C. R.
Lawson, James
Lawton, J. E.
Lawton, John
Lawton, Joseph
Lax, Edward F.
Lay, George
Lay, J. W.
Laycock, A. F.
Layman, W. A.
Layton, O. E.
Layton, W. Pratt
Leach, Robt. H.
Leach, W. E.
Leacock, R. J.
Leahey, Christine
Leahy, David P.
Leahy, John S.

Learmont, J. A.
Leary, Lillian C.
Leaver, John W.
Lebens, E. H.
Lebens, Jno. C.
Leber, Frank J.
Lebrecht, Jno. C.
Leckrone, J. W.
LeCompte, Chas. J.
LeCompte, H. G.
Lecoutoux, Chas.
Le Cron, D. O. M.
Ledbetter, W. M.
Ledford, N. H.
Ledford, O. T.
Lee, D. A.
Lee, Deas
Lee, Hezekiah
Lee, Rev. J. W.
Lee, John F.
Lee, Myrtle
Lee, T. C.
Lee, Thomas H.
Lee, Wm. H.
Leeker, Geo.
Lees, John
Leet, M. W.
Leffingwell, Chas. H.
Legg, J. B.
Lehman, G.
Lehman, R. A.
Lehman, W. H.
Lehmann, A.
Lehmann, Lea
Lehnbeuter, J. Jr.
Le Houllier, Dr. G.
Lehr, J.
Leiber, E. K.
Leibman, Louis
Leibrecht, Jacob
Leibrecht, Sebastian
Leicht, Geo.
Leicht, Leopold
Leilich, P. F.
Leimkuehler, Ada C.
Leimkuhler, Henry
Leindecker, Karl
Leinert, Fred J.
Leinz, R.
Leipold, Geo.
Leitner, Jos. P.
Lelievre, Aug.
Lemen, J. R.
Lemoine, E. S.
Lemp, Wm. J.
Lenahan, M. J.
Lengerer, Clemens
Lenharth, Jacob J.

Lenz, Paul O. H.
Lenzhaur, Julia H.
Leo, Hans W.
Leon, Susie B.
Leonard, Frank P.
Leonard, L. W.
Leonard, Thos. J.
Leonhardt, Emil W. F.
Lepper, Phil
Lesser, Julius
Lesyna, Joseph
Levin, Marianne
Levison, Morris G.
Levy, Edward
Levy, Emma B.
Levy, F.
Levy, Gus. A.
Levy, H. J.
Levy, Jos.
Levy, M.
Levy, Morris
Levy, Rosa
Levy, Wm.
Lewin, Wm. A.
Lewis, A. G.
Lewis, A. N.
Lewis, Alex. G.
Lewis, Bransford
Lewis, Chas. A.
Lewis, Chas. S.
Lewis, E. G.
Lewis, Ella
Lewis, Ericson
Lewis, Eugene W.
Lewis, Eva
Lewis, Frank W.
Lewis, Geo.
Lewis, G. M.
Lewis, J. A.
Lewis, J. D. Perry
Lewis, J. E.
Lewis, J. R.
Lewis, Jas. A. W.
Lewis, Jas. M.
Lewis, John
Lewis, Jos. W.
Lewis, Martrom D.
Lewis, Mary Marg.
Lewis, Nellie K.
Lewis, Robt. D.
Lewis, Sallie E.
Lewis, S. S.
Lewis W. J.
Lewitz, Ernest
Libby, W. A.
Lichtenstein, Victor
Lichter, John J. Jr.
Licklider, Jos. P.


Liddy, EugeneLinn, Carlisle AlonzoLoehmoeller, Ed.
Liddy, Dan.Linn, F. W.Loehr, F. Jr.
Liebenstein, E. A.Linn, M. P.Loehr, Mrs. F. Jr.
Liebig, V. L.Linn, Margaret V.Loehr, Raymond
Liebke. C. F.Linncmnn, F. A.Loehr, Wm. H.
Liermann, John C.Linneman, FrankLoepfe, Chas.
Lierow, August A.Linton, Wm. H.Loesch, Jacob
Lieser, Wm.Lionbergcr, I. H.Loesekam, F. G.
Lightfoot, W. A.Lionberger, Miss M.Loevy, Benedict
Lightner, Calvin R.Lapp, ChristianLogan, Chas. W.
Ligon, ThomasLippe, D.Logan, J. A.
Lihou, HenryLippelt, Louis A. J.Logan, John B.
Limerick, Constance A.Lipphardt, CatherineLogan, Jos. T.
Limerick, W. B.Lipphardt, HenryLogan, N. P.
Limerick, Mrs. W. B.Lippincott, T. E.Logan, Wm. A.
Limerick, Winnif. K.Lippman, Jennie R.Logue, Ella M.
Lilian, George B.Lipps, CatherineLogue, Emily A.
Linberg, Chas.Lips, AlexanderLohbeck, Joseph H.
Iiinberg, Chas. J. Jr.Lips, Mrs. AlexanderLoi nanti, Benj. H.
Linberg, C. J.Lipschitz, M.Lohman, Fred
Linch, Chas. H.Lister, J. L.Lohmann, Chas
Linchey, P. G.Little, A. H.Lohmann, W. H.
Linck, AdamLittle, EdwardLohmann, Wm.
Linck, Wm. C.Little, J. V.Lohrenz, Huida
Lincks, FredLittle, John P.Lohrer, Robt.
Lincoln, A. G.Little, M. N.Lohrum, Jeanette
Lincoln, D. R.Little, Peter S.Lohrum, John C.
Lincoln, J. C.Little, SethLohse, D. H.
Lincoln, N. L.Littleton, W. T.Lomasney, W. J.
Lind, FrankLittmann, M.Lonergan, Wm.
Linde, A.Littmann, PaulLong, Alton J.
Lindecker, John L.Litzau, Aug. H.Long, Aug.
Lindemann, E. A.Litzinger, PhilLong, J. M.
Lindemann, H. L.Livingston, A. J.Long, J. W.
Lindemann, HenryLix, ChristLong, James E.
Linder, FrankLlewellyn, JosephLong, John
Lindhorst, G. F.Lloyd, Geo. E.Long, John J.
Lindhorst, Gerhard H.Lloyd, Dr. HenryLong, John T.
Lindhorst, HenryLloyd, HiramLong, Patk.
Lindsay, G. M.Lloyd, W. S.Long, W. B.
Lindsay, JaneLocatell, Jos.Long, Wm. L.
Lindsay, John W.Locher, W. HoraceLongan, Ed. E.
Lindsay, Samuel I.Lochmoeller, Wm. C.Longfellow, C. F.
Lindsay, W. P.Locke, H. B.Longley, Josephine
Lindsey, EmilyLocke, Thos. H.Longley, L.
Lindsley, J. T.Lockhard, A. M. Jr.Longley, Stephen G.
Mud -Icy, Luke B.Lockhart, B. F.Longley, Thos. R.
Linebach, T. J.Lockwood, G. R.Longworth, W. M.
Linehan, LolaLoddeke, Ben.Looker, W. H.
Lingemann, ChristianLoddoke, A.Loomis, A. S.
Lingenbrink, V. M.Lodwick, J. A.Loomis, Wm. C.
Lingo, Edmond D.Loeb, A.Looney, Patrick
Linhoff, F. J.Loeb, Dr. H. W.Lopez, Adolph
Link, Arthur C.Loeb, JohnLoran, Thos.
Link, C. V.Loeb, L.Lord, I. L.
Link, Gustav A.Loeblein, J. W.Lorenz, Anton
Link, Theo. C.Loebner, B.Lorenz, Chas.
Link u!, FredLoeffel, Wm.Lorimer, Wm.

Loring, Jas. M.
Loser, Wm.
Loth, Wm. P.
Lothman, Carl
Lottman, Wm.
Loud, T. R. L.
Louderman, H. B.
Louderman, H. B. Jr.
Louderman, Jno. H.
Love, Edith R.
Love, Eliza M.
Love, J. G.
Love, James E.
Lovejoy, Arthur
Low, John
Lowe, Christ
Lowe, Geo. B.
Lowe, Isabel Virginia
Lowenberg, Martha M.
Lowenstein, Hy.
Lowenstein, J. H.
Lowenstein, Jacob
Lowenstein, M.
Lowenstein, M. J.
Lower, Robt. H.
Lowis, Josh
Lowry, Jas. S.
Lowry, Jennie M.
Lubbe, H. J.
Lubke, Geo. W.
Lucas, F.
Lucas, Geo. H.
Lucas, J. B. C.
Lucey, Henry F.
Luchtemeyer, F. W.
Lucking, A. C.
Lucky, Edwin D.
Ludlow, F. M. Jr.
Ludlow, Margaret R.
Ludwig, Chas. V. F.
Ludwig, H. G. Jr.
Ludwig, M. Elsa
Luebke, John F.
Luecke, Henry
Luecke, Herman W.
Luecke, Jos. F.
Luecking, Edw. P.
Luehrmann, C. F.
Lueke, Edw. W.
Luft, H. J. Jr.
Luft, Wm. A.
Lugton, Jos. T.
Luke, Fredk.
Luke, Wm.
Lukens, C. D.
Lund, John M.
Lungstras, August
Lungstras, Carl

Lungstras, Clara
Lungstras, Eugene
Lupfer, Wendell
Luppold, John
Lusby, Jos.
Luth, Geo.
Luther, Adolph
Luther, Chas.
Luther, Geo.
Luther, Wm. C.
Luther, Wm. C. Jr.
Lutteke, C. J.
Lutteko, F. J.
Luttmer, Wm. H.
Lutz, Chas. F.
Lutz, Eunice
Lutz, Dr. F. J.
Lutz, Henry
Lutz, John A. Jr.
Luyties, C. J.
Lycett, E H.
Lydon, Martin
Lyle, Hugh R.
Lyman, Forest S.
Lyman, Lewis
Lynch, Charlotte A.
Lynch, H. P.
Lynch, James
Lynch, James
Lynch, James A.
Lynch, Julia F.
Lynch, Mary E.
Lynch, Michael J.
Lynch, Hobt. L.
Lynch, Thos.
Lynn, Ambrose
Lynn, Annie
Lynn, L. L.
Lyon, Burt. W.
Lyon, Geo. E.
Lyon, Dr. H. Л.
Lyon, John W.
Lyon, Nelson F.
Lyon, Stephen
Lyons, John
Lyons, M. J.
Lyons, T. L.
Lytle, N. L.

McAlevey, Thos.
McAllister, John
McAnally, D. R.
McAnamy, J. H.
McAnamy, John J.
McAnamy, Jos. H.
McAnamy, Maggie
McArdle, M. P.

McAtee, Joseph C.
McAuliff, F. E., Est.
McAuliffe, D. J.
McAvoy, Rich.
McBourney, Tillie J.
McBratney, Chas,
McBriarty, Jas. P.
McBride, H.
McBride, Victor
McBride, Wm. S.
McBurney, A.
McBurney, Wm. J.
McCabe, A.
McCabe, Francis
McCabe, Rev. Jas. J.
McCabe, John F.
McCabe, Mrs. John F.
McCabe, Wm.
McCafferty, Jas.
McCaffery, James
McCaffery, John
McCaffrey, James
McCain, Chas. L.
McCallin, A. E.
McCandless, W. A.
McCann, Edward I.
McCann, J. S.
McCann, Katie F.
McCann, Peter
McCargo, Annie L.
McCarthy, C. J.
McCarthy, Dan]. W.
McCarthy, John J.
McCarthy, Pat.
McCarthy, T. J.
McCarthy, Theresa
McCarty, E.
McCarty, Francis
McCarty, Jeremiah
McCarty, Mildred
McCarty, P. B.
McCasland, C. O.
McClain, W. H.
McClelland, Andrew J.
McClelland, J. I.
McClelland, J. V. L.
McClelland, T. W.
McCIoskey, Gastin
McCloskey, Maria
McClure, Harry G.
McClure, Jas. P.
McClure, Margaret A.
McClure, Rachel
McCluskey, Jas. A.
McCluskey, Mary R.
McCluskey, Will
McClymont, J. J.
McCollom, L. E.
McConkin, Wm. N.
McConnell, C. H.
McConnell, Robt.
McCoole, M. F.
McCord, C. A.
McCord, E. S.
McCorkell, T. M.
McCormack, C. A.
McCormack, Chas. B.
McCormack, John A.
McCormack, M. J.
McCormack, Maggie
McCormack, 8. C.
McCormack, Thos. J.
McCormack, Thos. P.
McCormick, Robt. W.
McCormick, Thos. F.
McCoy, Hugh
McCoy, Phil
McCracken, C.
McCracken, С. Е.
McCrea, Annie
McCrea, Jennie C.
McCreery, J. N.
McCreery, W. C.
McCreight, Helen A.
McCue, J. J.
McCulloch, Маrу С.
McCulloch, Robert
McCullough, D.
McCullough, J. A.
McCullough, Lillie
McCullough, S.
McCully, Wm.
McCune, H. T.
McCurdy, Jno. E.
McDaniel, F. H. J.
McDannold, A.
McDermott, D.
McDermott, J.
McDermott, J. 8.
McDermott, John F.
McDermott, Louis R.
McDermott, Mrs. P. A.
McDermott, T. В.
McDermott, V. R.
McDonald, Arthur P.
McDonald, B. P.
McDonald, Chas.
McDonald, E. B.
McDonald, Frank D.
McDonald, Gabriel
McDonald, J. J.
McDonald, J. W.
McDonald, Jas. B.
McDonald, Jesse A.
McDonald, Jno. T.
McDonald, Luke

McDonald, Rev. O. J
McDonagh, F. T.
McDonnell, Jos.
McDonnell, Jos. P.
McDonnell, Richard
McDonough, Myles
McDonough, Wm.
McDowall, J. D.
McDowell, Ed. L.
McDowell, John
McDowell, R. M.
McDowell, Mrs. 8. J.
McElhinney, J. W.
McElhinney, Irene
MeElhinney, Sarah A.
McElroy, W. F.
McElwain, Sophia J.
MeElwee, L. C.
McEneny, John
McEnery, Michael J.
McEnnis, Frank R.
McEnnis, John F.
McEnroe, John E.
McEnroe, John J.
McEvoy, John
McEwen, E. E.
McEwen, R. L.
McFadden, Wm.
McFarland, A.
McFarland, Chas. N.
McFarland, Franda
McFarland, Hugh
McFarland, Luke
McFarland, Marian E.
McFarland, P. H.
McGann, Geo.
McGannon, J. G.
McGee, H. L.
McGilvray, L.
McGinnis, E.
McGinnis, Miss J.
McGinnis, J. D.
McGinnis, J. P.
McGinnis, Louis A.
McGirk, I. A.
McGlynn, Rev. J. J.
McGlynn, Jag. J.
McGlynn, John J.
McGovern, A. F.
McGovern, Jas. J.
McGowan, Geo.
McGrath, D. A.
McGrath, Frank J.
McGrath, Justin
McGrath, Kate
McGrath, M. E.
McGrath, T. B.
McGrath, Thos. J.



McGrew, Geo. S. McGuigan, E. McGuirc, J. J. McGuire, John P. McGuire, Sarah A. McHenry, H. S. McHose, Jno. Л. McHose, Nellie McHugh, A. Jr. McHugh, Alonzo J. McHugh, Ella B. McHugh, Gladys McHugh, Jack B. McHugh, Jerome McHugh, L. P. McHugh, Robt. W. McHugh, T. P. Mcllvaine, Jos. C. Mcllvaney, C. Mclnerney, J. P. Mclnerny, John M. Mclntyre, E. S. Mclntyre, H. H. Mclntyre, Jno. A. McKay, Robt. J. McKean, Jesse H. McKee, Chas. H. McKee, Ellen J. McKee, John McKelleget, Thos. P. McKellop, J. H. McKenna, Frank X. McKenna, Henry McKenna, Jos. McKenna, P. A. McKenna, Pat. McKinlay, J. F. McKittrick, Hugh McKittrick, Thos. H. McKittrick, Walter McKnight, M. A. L. McKnight, Mary R. McKnight, Wm. R. McLaran, R. L. McLaren, Wm. H. McLaughlin, Edw. D. McLaughlin, Frank McLaughlin, Matilda McLaughlin, P. H. McLean, Allen J. McLean, F. J. McLean, Mary J. McLean, W. H. McLeod, D. L. McLeod, Mamie A. McLure, Chas. D. MeMahan, Jas. McMahon, C. H.
McMahon, Henry A.
McMahon, John
McMahon, John J.
McMahon, John T.
McMahon, Michael
McManus, Wm. E.
McMath, Robt. E.
McMath, Robt. H.
McMenamy, I. T.
McMenamy, John
McMichael, J. H.
McMillan, V. Corinne
McMillen, Polly
McMullen, Edw. J.
McMullen, J.
McNair, Cornelia
McNair, Jane
McNair, Jno. G.
McNair, Mrs. L. G.
McNamara, Jas. H.
McNamara, L.
McNamara, Michael
McNamee, G. T.
McNamee, Owen
McNamee, Wm.
McNary, Jno. J.
McNeU, Thos. J.
McNichols, Henry
McPheeters, S. B.
McQuiston, Mabel
McRae, Milton A.
McReynolds, Chas.
McRory, J. P.
McSheehy, Jas.
McSherry, Chas.
McSkimming, Geo.
McSweeney, Paul
Maack, Henry.
Maas, August
Maas, Lewis
Maas, Wm. H.
Mabry, T. W.
Macauley, C. B.
Macbeth, Malcom
Maccallum, James
Macdonald, C. E. S.
Macdonald, D. W. R.
Macdonald, R. J.
Mace, J. F.
Mace, R. H.
Mack, J. B.
Mackay, Andrew Jr.
Mackay, Gertrude M.
Mackensen, Fred
Mackey, Robt. L.
Mackey, W. C.
Mackin, Jas. M.
Macklin, L. J. B.

Macklin, Marie J.
Madden, F. H.
Madden, Frank X.
Madden, Mary A.
Madden, Thos.
Mader, Wesley
Madigan, E. J.
Madison, Michael J.
Madsen, Chas.
Maendlen, E.
Maerz, Louis
Maffitt, C. C.
Maffitt, Emily C.
Maffitt, Wm. C.
Magill, E. E.
Maginn, H. B.
Maginn, Jas. P.
Maginnis, W. T.
Magner, John F.
Magnola, Ferdinand
Magoon, Frank L.
Maguire, F. J.
Maguire, Frank
Maguire, Henry
Maguire, J. B.
Maguire, John
Mahaffey, Nellie
Mahaffey, R. T.
Mahan, Geo. A.
Maher, Edward
Maher, James
Maher, James
Maher, P. D.
Maher, Patrick
Maher, Jeremiah St. L.
Mahon, Thos.
Mahoncy, Danl.
Mahoney, John
Mahoney, Wm.
Mahony, T. E.
Mahony, Thos.
Mahood, C. O.
Mahood, L. Alice
Maise, Clemens
Malcolm, W. H.
Malkemus, Wm. P.
Mallinckrodt, Edw.
Mallinckrodt, Emil
Million, Patrick
Mallory, Hugh R.
Malloy, Amelia M.
Mally, H.
Malmsbury, C. H.
Malmsbury, E. C.
Malone, C. J.
Maloney, D.
Maloney, Danl. P.
Maloney, M. J.

Maloney, Mary
Maloney, Maurice
Maloney, W. L.
Manewal, John
Mangan, John E.
Manger, Fredk. T.
Mangson, E. W.
Mangus, E. H.
Manhard, Orme H.
Manion, John
Manion, John J.
Manion, Peter
Manion, T.
Manion, Thos.
Manly, P. J.
Mann, Alex. S.
Mann, H. W.
Mann, John F.
Mannebach, Job.
Manning, Annie
Manny, E. A.
Mansfield, N.
Mansfield, Nicholas
Mansifee, Wm. H.
Manson, Thos. E.
Mantkowski, Michael
Manton, John J.
Manton, Thos.
Mantz, H. P.
Mantz, W. E.
Mara, P. J.
Marbes, Henrietta
March, Chas. Henry
March, Chas. Hill
Marchtaler, Otto
Marcks, Louis
Mardaus, Nellie A.
Mardorf, Herman F.
Mardorf, W. C.
Mareschal, Leon
Margenau, H. F. W.
Margenau, Wm. F.
Margulius, I. M.
Marick, Chas. J.
Marigny, Paul P.
Mariner, Guy C.
Marion, Albert L.
Marion, D. V.
Marion, John H.
Markham, Carrie
Markle, W. P.
Markley, James
Marks, Dr. Heine
Marks, J. A.
Marlow, H. C.
Marlow, Mary
Marlow, Mrs. H. C.
Marnell, John P.

Maroney, A. C.
Marquard, Geo. H.
Marquardt, A. A.
Marquis, P. S.
Marre, Jas.
Marre, Jos.
Marsh, Alice L.
Marsh, Eugene
Marsh, Wm. F.
Marshall, C. A.
Marshall, C. M.
Marshall, E. Warner
Marshall, F. E.
Marshall, G. B.
Marshall, Geo.
Marshall, J. D.
Marshall, Laura B.
Marshall, Dr. M. C.
Marshall, M. H.
Marshall, W. J.
Marten, E. R.
Martin, Alice L.
Martin, Anna
Martin, Egbert A.
Martin, Geo. H.
Martin, Geo. N.
Martin, H. B.
Martin, Jessie E.
Martin, Jos.
Martin M. O.
Martin, Nicholas
Martin, S. Carlisle
Martin, T. A.
Martin, W. F.
Martin, Wm. F.
Martin, Wm. N.
Martini, J.
Marx, Frederick
Marx, Meta C.
Marx, Saml.
Marx, Walter S.
Mascheck, F. T.
Maschmidt, Fred W.
Maschmidt, Wm.
Mashmeier, C. H.
Mason, Anna A.
Mason, C. F.
Mason, Chas. P.
Mason, Isaac M.
Mason, J. B.
Mason, S. M.
Massa, A. Leo
Massard, Ernest
Massengale, L.
Masset, John
Massey, Jas. T.
Massey, R. D.
Mateer, W. R.
Matern, Christ
Matern, Edward
Matern, Henry
Matbae, Geo.
Mathes, Joseph
Mathews, Annie L.
Mathews, Dr. M. A.
Mathews, E. Leslie
Mathews, Louis
Mathias, B. F.
Mathias, Fred B.
Mathias, G. T.
Matt, Oswald
Matthews, Alfred
Matthews, Fannie L.
Matthews, H. S.
Matthews, Leonard
Matthews, Louis D.
Matthews, Mary E.
Matthews, Otto
Matthews, W. H.
Matthiessen, Louis D.
Mattick, J.
Mattmann, Jos.
Mattox, W. A.
Mattson, Erik
Mauch, Albert
Mauch, Herman
Mauch, Wm.
Mauer, Chas.
Mauer, Louis G.
Maul, Fred
Maule, E. P.
M aune, Leonard
Maupin, Chas. C.
Maupin, W. H.
Maurer, Chas. J.
Maurer, Edw.
Maurer, Jacob
Maus, Theo. J. P.
Mausshardt, A.
Mausshardt, Henry
Maw, Fred C.
Max, Paul
Maxey, M. P.
Maxwell, Stanley
Maxwell, T. S.
May, Louis A.
May, Chas. C.
May, Chas. F.
Mayall, Tom.
Maybury, S. A.
Mayer, F., Trustee
Mayer, Wm.
Mayfield, E. B.
Mayfield, W. H.
Mayhew, Fred A.
Maynard, J. F.

Mayo, Wm. H.
Meagher, Arthur P.
Meagher, Sallie
Meagher, Thos. F.
Meagher, Wm. A.
Mealy, John J.
Meany, Lawrence H.
Meany, Wm.
Medanich, Clinton T.
Medanich, Louis Jas.
Medart, Fred
Medart, Gus.
Meder, Wm. J.
Medley, J. W.
Meeder, Emma M.
Meeder, Fred
Meehan, Anna M.
Meehan, Geo. T.
Meehan, J. H.
Meehan, Jos.
Meehan, Thos.
Meeks, F. K.
Meenach, Geo. S.
Mees, J. P.
Mees, Peter
Mehl, Geo. W.
Mehrhoff, Christ
Meier, Anton
Meier, F. W.
Meier, Frank
Meier, Fred C.
Meier, H. F.
Meier, Henry
Meier, John A.
Meierhoeffer, G.
Meinberg, Edw. J.
Meinberg, Geo. A.
Meinecke, Louis
Meinershagen, F. A.
Meinhardt, Carl
Meinhardt, Jno. M.
Meisel, C.
Meisenbach, Walter
Meister, Adolph
Melcher, Edward L.
Mellen, Mrs. W. S.
Mellies, Chas.
Mellin, L.

Melson, Edmund P.
Melville C.
Menaugh, C. B.
Menche, John A.
Mendell, H. A.
Menefee, John J.
Meng, E. R.
Mengel, Nicholas
Mengering, A. B.
Menifee, Geo. W.

Menke, J. H.
Menne, Aloys
Menne, Henry C.
Menown, Rosalie L.
Mense, B.
Mensendick, Hy. J.
Menteer, J. U.
Mentz, Gus.
Merdinger, Adolph
Meredith, C. A.
Meredith, I. P.
Meriwether, Elizab. L.
Meriwether, Jessie G.
Meriwether, Minor
Meriwether, Susie L.
Merkert, J.
Merkle, W. S.
Merrell, G. R.
Merrell, H. S.
Merrem, Chas. D.
Merrill, C. L.
Л1 err i 111:111, A. M.
Merten, W. G. H.
Mertens, Chas. T.
Merwin, G. M. D.
Merz, Louis
Mesek, Adolph
Mesenbrink, C. Jr.
Messerly, S. A.
Messick, Charlton
Messinbrink, Geo.
Messing, A. H.
Messman, Olinda
Meston, A,
Meston, C. R.
Mi-st..n, T. M.
Metcalf. G. L.
Mettler, J. B.
Mettler, Lee B.
Metz, Theo. C.
Metzenaur, E.
Metzger, Gust.
Metzler, Jos.
Metzler, Peter V.
Meuser, F.
Mewes, G. F.
Meyer, A. C. F.
Meyer, Adolph C.
Meyer, Andrew
Meyer, Aug.
Meyer, Bertha
Meyer, C. F. W.
Meyer, C. W.
Meyer, Chas. H.
Meyer, Chas. L.
Meyer, Chas. W.
Meyer, Conrad
Meyer, Edmund
Meyer, Edward T.
Meyer, Emma C.
Meyer, Ernest A. F.
Meyer, Eugenia
Meyer, F. C.
Meyer, F. R.
Meyer, Fred/J.
Meyer, Geo.' L.
Meyer, Geo.fS.
Meyer, Geo. T.
Meyer, Gottlieb
Meyer, H. A.
Meyer, H. R.
Meyer, Harry G.
Meyer, Henry
Meyer, Henry
Meyer, Henry A.
Meyer, Henry E. R.
Meyer, Ilda J.
Meyer, J. C.
Meyer, J. H. A.
Meyer, Jos. F.
Meyer, Frank R. Jr.
Meyer, L. A.
Meyer, Leopold
Meyer, Louis
Meyer, Louis H.
Meyer, M.
Meyer, O. H.
Meyer, Otto Paul
Meyer, Richard.
Meyer, Robt.
Meyer, Rudolph
Meyer, W. G.
Meyer, W. L.
Meyer, Walter J.
Meyers, Angie
Meyers, B. L.
Meyers, Joe.
Meylor, L. F.
Meysenberg, Emil A.
Michael, Martin
Michaelis, Ernest
Michaels, M.
Michaels, Mary
Michel, Albert J.
Michel, Chas.
Michell, Chas. E.
Michelman, L. F.
Michenor, A. J.
Mick, B.
Mick, Edw. J.
Mickle, George T.
Middleton, J. A.
Middleton, J. C.
Middleton, W.
Midgley, J. H.
Mier, Aug.
Mier, Wm. C.
Miksicek, R.
Mikus, Adolph
Milentz, A. R.
Milentz, C.
Miles, Wm. T.
Milford, Wm. G.
Milius, A. G.
Millan, Jas.
Millar, Walter H.
Millbrandt, G. A.
Miller, A. D.
Miller, A. I.
Miller, A. J.
Miller, A. K.
Miller, Arthur D.
Miller, Benjamin
Miller, C. H.
Miller, C. L.
Miller, C. T.
Miller, Chas.
Miller, Claude D.
Miller, D.
Miller, D. C.
Miller, E. A.
Miller, E. C.
Miller, Ed. H.
Miller, Elizabeth
Miller, F. Benton
Miller, F. R.
Miller, F. W.
Miller, G.
Miller, Geo. W.
Miller, H. J.
Miller, Herbert F.
Miller, Isaac N.
Miller, J. C.
Miller, J. C. Jr.
Miller, J. F.
Miller, J. G.
Miller, J. H.
Miller, J. W.
Miller, James
Miller, Jas. J.
Miller, John A.
Miller, John J.
Miller, John L.
Miller, Josie May
Miller, Julius
Miller, Mrs. L. H.
Miller, Lena Demuth
Miller, M. W.
Miller, Maj.Wm.H.H.
Miller, Mary P.
Miller, Mervin T.
Miller, Otto
Miller, Owen
Miller, P. M.
Miller, Peter N.
Miller, Robt. B.
Miller, Robt. F.
Miller, Roe D.
Miller, Rose
Miller, T. M.
Miller, Theo.
Miller, Viola
Miller, W. S.
Milligan, Laura E.
Milligan, R. M.
Milliken, Jas. L.
Mills, B. D.
Mills, Esther
Mills, Geo. A. H.
Mills, Geo. B.
Mills, Hugh
Mills, Isabella J.
Mills, J. F.
Mills, J. Roscoe
Mills, Sarah M.
Milster, Uline C.
Miltenberger, C. R.
Miltenberger, F. E.
Miltenberger, H. B.
Minary, Joe S.
Minges, A. G.
Minges, Frank
Minier, Wm.
Minnick, Frank J.
Misselhorn, H. C.
Missick, Mack
Mitchell, A. W.
Mitchell, Alex.
Mitchell, Arthur
Mitchell, Edward
Mitchell, Geo.
Mitchell, J. R.
Mitchell, Capt. J. W.
Mitchell, John
Mitchell, Jos. P.
Mitchell, Jos. W.
Mitchell, Mollie E.
Mitchell, Wm. S.
Mittelberg, Arthur
Mlizko, Antoinette
Moberly, J. B.
Mock, Ida E.
Mockler, Mary
Mockler, Thos.
Mockobey, A. E. Sr.
Moeck, Wm.
Moeckel, Louis Jr.
Moehlenbrock, Fred
Moehlenbrock, F. Jr.
Moeller, E. W.
Moeller, Henry
Moeller, John

Moerchel, Elizabeth
Moestl, John
Moffett, N. L.
Moffett, Chas. S.
Mohr, John
Mohr, Phil
Mohrle, Geo.
Mohrman, F. J.
Mohrmann, Henry J.
Mohrstadt, Chas. E.
Mohrstadt, J. C.
Moise, A. S.
Moise, A. W.
Molen, Louise
Moles, J. H.
Molkenbur, Ernest
Moll, Alma
Moll, Fred
Moll, O. A.
Moller, John H.
Molles, Henry A.
Moloney, Geo.
Moloney, Robt. E.
Moloney, T. O.
Mommertz, Jacob
Monahan, F. A.
Monk, John
Monroe, H. C.
Monroe, Mrs. L. E.
Monroe, Dr. Lee E.
Monrotus, Peter
Montague, Bertha
Montague, James
Montaigue, Geo. L.
Monteath, John
Monteith, K. L.
Montgomery, T. O.
Montifue, J. L.
Monyhan, P. J.
Moodie, David
Moody, A. P.
Moody, Jas.
Moon, R. H.
Mooney, John
Mooney, John T.
Mooney, Sabina
Mooney, Wm. P.
Moordale, F. D.
Moore, A. P.
Moore, Austin J.
Moore, B. W.
Moore, Beny
Moore, Chas. W.
Moore, E. H.
Moore, Edw.
Moore, Geo. U.
Moore, J. D.
Moore, J. H.

Moore, John
Moore, N. B.
Moore, Phil N.
Moore, Robt.
Moore, T. A. Jr.
Moore, Thos.
Moore, Dr. W. L.
Moore. W. R.
Moore, Wm.
Moore, Z. A.
Moormann, H. B.
Moorshead, A. Lee
Moorshead, T. C.
Moran, A. M.
Moran, Bernard
Moran, Mrs. E. J.
Moran, Jas. J.
Moran, Mary E.
Moran, Thos.
Morard, J. J.
Moraski, Ambrose
Morath, C. W.
Morgan, A. R.
Morgan, Edw.
Morgan, Eunice
Morgan, Geo. H.
Morgan, Herbert M.
Morgan, J. B.
Morgan, W. B.
Morgan, W. J.
Morgan, Wm.
Morick, C. A.
Morische, D.
Morische, D. H.
Morische, J. E.
Morisse, Wm. J.
Morisse, Ernest
Morisse, Herbert
Moritz, C. H.
Morlock, C. T.
Morlock, G. A.
Morrell, M. P
Morrill, J. W.
Morris, C. C.
Morris, C. S.
Morris, Chas.
Morris, Eliz. T.
Morris, Henry
Morris, Herbert
Morris, Jas.
Morris, John
Morris, Nonie G.
Morris, R. W.
Morris, Robt.
Morris, Robt. H.
Morris, S. T.
Morrison, Adele 3.
Morrison, John
David  R. Francis'  Book-
The Universal Exposition of 1904

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Table of