Exhibit Statictics:
Building cost: 2,000 dollars
Price of Admission- Free, but 20 cents for 7 shots.
Exhibition Profit- 15,313.88 dollars

This `coupon,' was given out by the Savage Arms Co. which exhibited at 9B of the Palace of Manufacturers. The ticket gave Fairgoers two free shots at `Hunting in the Ozarks.' Digital picture, sent in by Mike Truax (1904 WFS) and Gary Groshel . Click on the above ticket (and toggle down) to see their ad.
The Hunting in the Ozarks was essentially a shooting gallery with a huge and impressive twist. Instead of leaning against a rail
and shooting objects lined in a row, as in a carnival, the marksman (or woman), would fire in a huge area populated by squirrels, rabbits, quail, deer, bear; every Ozark game animal from the Missouri/Arkansas Ozark country was represented. They glided in and out real trees, rocks, water, and foliage on rails.
The Savage Model 1903-22 Caliber Repeater, and semi-smokeless shot was used in this shooting gallery.
Though the attraction was free, the concession charged a rather pricey 20 cents for only 7 shots. 

Lee Gaskins' AT THE FAIR The 1904 St. Louis World's Fair
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