Statistics  were the main theme of this small Pike attraction.  This attraction  tried to give the visitors a better understanding on large numbers by simplification, and  multiplication.  The principles of time and mathematics helped showcase how long would things would take to happen. They used eggs, babies and money as part of their   show in comparable statistics.  Subjects, such  as births, deaths, consumption of cigarettes, food  were presented. Some statistics were  illustrated by moving objects.

The barkers for the strange Statisticum attraction were men and women in diminimum effigy, performing a wedding march on the balcony overhanging the entrance.  A chime would ring every 30 seconds, showcasing the world's marriage rate. One exhibit was a man dropping pennies, demonstrating that a man making 5,000 dollars a year is only making 1 cent a  minute. 

The statisticum, a device from Sweden which mechanized statistics and was possibly a very early form of a computer, was on view.

Ferdinand Boberg, care of Russell Stanhope, Administration ran the attraction,  which was one of the few  Pike enterprises that did not make a profit during the Fair. 
Exhibit Statictics:

Building cost: 4,000 dollars
Price of Admission-   10 cents
Exhibition Profit-       3,514.85  dollars
Lee  Gaskins'   AT THE FAIR  The 1904 St. Louis World's   Fair 
                   Web  Design and Art/Illustration   copyrighted  2008
Another oddity  has letters shoots across visitor's eyes at  extreme speed, a note says: "look at the river of letters flowing, chattering on their way...... and remember to write more frequently to your mother at home."

Another exhibit showcased a multitude of small metal pigs,   constantly dropping, illustrating  that 30  million tons of iron and steel are produced in the United States. 

Statisitcum Close-up
Statisitcum Construction 1/5/1904