Oddly one of the most profitable attractions for their overall costs was
the Hereafter exhibit; that enticed people's curiosity of what's was beyond
life. Essentially, this was a classic dark ride.
A barker would speak in a ominous voice to draw the crowds into the attraction. "Hereafter in progress... something you have never saw before- Hereafter!"
A huge mirrored archway greeter visitors as they were guided them into Hades through a 40 foot gallery of mirrors. Sounds of screaming and moaning from the undead echoed through the gloom.
The attraction was divided into two sections. Hell, (or Hades), inspired by Dante's Inferno, and of course Heaven.
After the mirrors, visitors found themselves in a large room named- Cafe' of the Dead. The tables were made out of coffins, the chandeliers- out of human bones. A startling rear-projection illusion was created so that one patron could not pick up his plates and utensils. With no beer at the table, an angry waiter approached, desiring to hit the patron over the head with a bottle. Right before striking the man's head, the waiter and table disappeared. It was all an illusion.
After a simulated elevator ride downwards filled with howls and groans, the spectators found themselves in the bowels of Hell. Aboard Charon's boat, they floated on the River
of Death, underneath sharp stalactites. Once in a while a skeleton would drop down on the unexpected.
Guides recited all of the punishments of Hades as they were illustrated from Dante's Inferno. Many of the scenes showcased grim but bloodless torture. A man who was sticking his nose into other people's affair was sentenced to have his nose clamped in a vise, as he cried out his
errors in life. Another depicted a successful robber with a bagful of loot, could not spend it in hell.
Many moral-plays ensued depicting the guilty getting their comeuppance.
As the boats entered Satan's throne-room a skeleton jumped out at someone. Just like the works of Dante, illustrated by Gustave Dore' Satan was viewed among the writhing and damned sufferers. Billows of smoke erupted from the ground as the Lord of Darkness threatened the boat riders.
After descending down a small water slide, the water crafts called through the beautiful and colorful Daphne's Grove.
The finale of the ride was Paradise, which featured the birth of the Star of Bethlehem as well as passages and visuals from Milton's "Paradise Lost." Angels ascending into heaven ended the attraction.

Supposedly, the final panoramic scene shows the Star of Bethlehem, and the "The Burst of Dawn," cost close to 10,000 dollars.
A description from an unknown article of the attraction:
A grave monk escorts you from this room of the dead into a subterranean elevator, and rapidly descending to the outer or first circle of the nine that compose the Fiery Kingdom, you are
met—as are all travelers who pass this way—by the ancient Pilot Charon and his boat. His cheerful greeting to ‘Abandon all hope” excites mortal curiosity to explore further the regions
of darkness, and crossing Charon, the River of Woe, into the second circle, you visit the Court of ‘‘Minos” the incorruptible, the Supreme Judge of Inferno; the endless line of wicked spirits passing before him never halts, so speedily are his judgments meted out. The monk informs you jury-
bribing is here unknown. No word is ever spoken. The circle to which the spirit is sentenced is designated by the number of circles formed in the tail of “Minos.” Further on you see Faust doomed to visions everlasting, of maiden loveliness beyond his reach. Guided through the third, or Frozen Gircle, crossing
Stygian Lake, entering the City of Dis, or Eternal Fire, viewing all around ceaseless punishments of abandoned souls, ever and anon startled by the in-explainable appearance of a frightened
spirit in your midst, who in its efforts to avoid contaminating mortal contact occasions many ludicrous situations, you finally arrive in the great Throne Room and presence of his Satanic Majesty. Mingling with his courtiers, skeletons and subordinate devils, a chilly, creeping sensation possesses you. Simultaneously do your bewildered senses detect another atmosphere, and fully realize the marvelous transformation an instant later by a vision most refreshing in contrast to the scenes so lately traversed.