Page one (Soups and Meats)




Author of Mrs. Rorer's NEW Cook Book
Philadelphia Cook Book, Canning and Preserving, etc.

Louisiana Purchase Exposition

St. Louis, 1904

Press of  ARNOLD AND COMPANY '   Philadelphia, PA

Copyright 1904 by Mrs. S. T. Rorer
All Rights Reserved


The object of this book is  twofold: first, to present in a  compact form a few of the  choice recipes used at the Eastern
Pavilion, at the Louisiana Purchase  Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; and,  secondly, to show how simply and
easily all foods may be prepared.  The object in teaching cookery is  not to increase or complicate the
work, not to make it a ceremonial, but  to point out the simple and easy way.





For perfectly clear soup it is positively necessary for all the meat used to be fresh, uncooked, and free from bone.

To each pound of lean beef allow one pint of cold  water, chop the meat into small pieces, cover it with the
water, bring slowly to boiling point. Skim at the first  boil, cover and simmer gently for at least four hours. At
the end of three hours add one bay leaf, a sprig of parsley,  one onion browned in an ounce of butter. When the
soup is done, strain through a colander, return it to the  kettle, and stand it over the fire. For three quarts of soup,
allow the white and shell of one egg for clarifying. Beat  the white with a half-cup of cold water until frothy, then
add the crushed shell, add these to the boiling soup, boil  for five minutes. Cover and stand aside for an hour to
settle. Strain through a double cheese cloth or a flannel  bag. Season and heat. If too light in color add a tea-
spoonful of caramel.


Wipe one shin of beef, cut the meat from the bones, place the bones in the bottom of a large porcelain-lined or
granite soup kettle, lay the meat on top of them, add five  quarts of cold water, cover the kettle and stand it on the  back part of the range for one hour ; then place it over a  good fire, watch it carefully, and as soon as the scum  gathers on the surface, begin to skim carefully. Do not  let it boil. When all the scum has been taken off, cover  the kettle closely, stand it over a moderate fire to simmer  four hours, then add one onion, one small carrot, a turnip,  two bay leaves, a sprig of parsley, twelve whole cloves, and  a stalk of celery; cover and simmer one hour longer.  When done strain through a fine sieve, add a tablespoonful  of salt, and stand at once in a cold place to cool. If you  keep soup stock in a warm place for a few hours it will not  congeal, and will not keep so well. When cold, take all  the grease from the surface, and it is ready for use.


I quart of stock, 1 pint of croutons
Salt and white pepper to taste

To make the croutons, cut stale bread into thin slices  spread it lightly with butter on one side, then cut into
dice. (It will take about three slices from a baker's square  five-cent loaf) Place them on a tin pie dish, and put them
in a moderate oven until a golden brown.

Melt the stock gradually, bring it to boiling point, add  salt and pepper. Serve soup in a tureen with croutons on
a separate dish. If you put them in the soup when you  dish it, they will become heavy and waxy before reaching
the dining room.

If the soup is too light, color it with caramel. (See  recipe for making it.)


I quart of stock Yolks of two eggs

one teacupful of rice, one  tablespoonful of cream
Salt and pepper to taste

Boil together for twenty minutes the rice and stock; then  press them through a sieve and return them to the kettle.
Beat the yolks well and add to them the cream. Add this  to the stock and rice, and stir it over the fire for two min-
utes, but do not allow it to boil. Add salt and pepper,  and it is ready to serve.


Simply add two ounces of boiled macaroni to two quarts of  boiling stock. Season with a teaspoonful of salt and a
saltspoonful of white pepper, and serve.


For each eight persons allow one pint of cooked green  peas and one and a half quarts of stock, add the cooked
peas to the stock, simmer gently for five minutes, season,  and serve.


This soup is composed of clear stock and a variety of  cooked vegetables ; peas, beans, asparagus, turnips, carrots,
lettuce, cabbage, and sorrel may all be cooked in water,  and added to the clear stock.


Make a nice, clear stock from a shin of beef, and stand it  aside over night to cool ; when cold, remove the fat from
the surface an hour before dinner-time. Make the balls as  follows: cut a half-cup of marrow into one cup of bread-
crumbs (not too fine) ; add a half-teaspoonful of salt and  sufficient raw egg to just moisten; mix quickly with a knife,
and stand on the ice for ten minutes. Then make them into  small balls about the size of a marble, using as little flour
as possible; place them on a floured dish and stand on the  ice until wanted. Ten minutes before dinner put as much
stock as you require on to heat (not more than two quarts  for the number of balls given); season to taste; add the
balls and bring quickly to boiling point. Serve at once.


Make this soup when you have on hand broth, or water in  which you have cooked beef or leg of mutton. When it
is quite cold, free it from all surface fat. Peel and cut  into dice one small carrot, one onion, one turnip, and if
at hand one root of celery. Slowly fry these to a dark  brown in two ounces of butter. If they do not brown
quickly, sprinkle over a teaspoonful of sugar. When  nicely browned add them to the strained broth, and simmer
gently until they are tender. For each quart of soup mix  one tablespoonful of corn-starch in a little cold water, stir
it with the soup ; stir carefully until it boils. Season and  add, if you have them, one cup of cooked peas or beans.


This soup should also be made when you have on hand  liquor in which meats have been cooked. Chop two
ounces of bacon or ham, put it in a frying-pan with one  good-sized onion. Fry until brown, then add to them two
quarts of broth and simmer thirty minutes.

Pare and slice four good-sized potatoes, add them to  the soup and simmer forty minutes longer. Season and


Wash and chop four leeks, one onion, small bunch of  parsley, head of lettuce, and, if obtainable, a quart of
spinach. Put all these in a saucepan with two ounces of  butter and cook for five minutes, then add one pint of
stale bread-crumbs and two quarts of broth. Cover and  simmer for two hours. Season with salt and pepper, add
juice of half a small lemon, and serve.


Cut into dice four pounds of lean beef from the round,  put about one ounce of suet and one small onion, sliced,
into the soup kettle and cook until a good brown; then  add the meat, cook, without covering, thirty minutes; add
three quarts of cold water, cover the kettle and simmer  gently for three hours; at the end of this time add four
cloves, one small carrot, a piece of celery, and simmer one  hour longer. Strain and stand away to cool. When cold,
remove all grease from the surface. Turn the consomme  into a kettle; beat the white of one egg with a half-cup of
cold water, add it to the boiling consomme, boil one  minute, and strain through cheese cloth. Season and it is
ready to serve. If not dark, add a teaspoonful of caramel.


Wash the head well through several waters, scald it, wash  again in cold water, and soak for a half-hour. Be sure
that the throat and nasal passages are perfectly clean and  free from foreign matter. The brains must be taken out
before the first washing. Put the head in a soup kettle,  cover it with four quarts of cold water, and bring it slowly
to simmering point. Skim it well and simmer for four  hours. Strain and put the meat aside to cool. This part
is best done the day before you wish to use it. Remove  all the fat from the soup and cut the meat into dice. The
fibrous covering must be taken off the brains; then  parboil them for fifteen minutes; cool and cut into dice.

When you are ready to use the soup, put two tablespoonfuls of butter in a saucepan, stir until brown, add one
onion and a small carrot, sliced, and cook until a light  brown. Now add four even tablespoonfuls of flour, brown
again, add two bay leaves, and the soup, or as much as you  may require (about two quarts for the flour used).

Stir continually until it boils, strain and return to the  kettle. Add the meat, brain, two tablespoonfuls of
Worcestershire sauce, and a palatable seasoning of salt and  pepper. Put two hard-boiled eggs and a half lemon, cut
into slices, in the tureen; pour over the hot soup, and serve.


1 quart of dried white soup beans
2 quarts of water
I large tablespoonful of butter
Salt and pepper to taste

Wash the beans, cover them with water and soak over night.  Next morning, drain, put them on to boil with two quarts
of fresh cold water. As soon as they come to a boil, drain  this water off" and throw it away, this prevents the soup from
being^ strong. Now cover again with two quarts of fresh boiling water, add a quarter of a teaspoonful of bi-carbonate
of soda, and boil until reduced to a pulp. Now press the  beans through a sieve, return to the soup kettle and add
sufficient water to make the soup about the consistency of  cream, add the salt, pepper and butter, and serve with

Puree of vegetables:
Scrape one large carrot and cut it into slices. Pare and  slice one turnip. Put two tablespoonfuls of melted suet
into a frying-pan, slice into it one onion, cook until the  onion is a golden brown, then put it with carrot, turnip, a
bunch of pot-herbs and a quart and a pint of cold water  into a soup kettle, add two tablespoonfuls of rice, and
simmer gently one hour. Press through a sieve. Add two  tablespoonfuls of flour to the fat remaining in the pan, mix
until smooth, and add it to the soup ; stir until it boils,  season with a teaspoonful of salt and a saltspoon of pepper.
Serve with croutons.


Cover any bones or scraps of cooked meat left from roasts steaks or chops with one and a half quarts of cold water,
add five even tablespoonfuls of pearl barley and simmer  for one hour, then add one onion, sliced, and a bunch of
pot-herbs. Simmer a half-hour longer, strain, season with 
salt and pepper, and serve.


Trim the fat from a slice of ham. Put the ham away for  another meal. Cut this fat into pieces and fry with a sliced
onion until nicely browned. Turn one can of tomatoes  into a stewing-pan, add the browned pieces of ham fat and
onion^ a teaspoonful of salt and a quarter of a teaspoonful  of pepper, cover and simmer ten minutes. Add two table-
spoonfuls of flour to the fat remaining in the pan, which  should be a good tablespoonful; if not, add butter, mix
until smooth, add it to the tomatoes, stir until they boil,  and then press through a sieve; add a teaspoonful of sugar,
and serve with squares of toasted bread.


Fare and boil four good-sized potatoes. Put one quart of  milk over the fire in a farina boiler with a slice of onion,
one bay leaf, a stalk of celery, and a sprig of parsley. Rub  smoothly together one tablespoonful of butter and two table
spoonfuls of flour, and stir into the milk when boiling, stir  continuously until it thickens. When the potatoes are done,
drain free from all water, sprinkle with salt, and stand back  a moment to dry, then mash until light and free from lumps,
add the milk gradually to the potatoes and press the whole  through a very fine sieve, add salt and pepper, and it is
ready to serve.

This soup is spoiled by being boiled after the potatoes  and milk are mixed. To keep warm should be placed over
boiling water.


Put one pint can or one pint of tomatoes on to stew  with one bay leaf, a sprig of parsley, and a blade of mace,
let them stew fifteen minutes. Put one quart of milk on to boil in a farina boiler. Rub one large tablespoonful
butter and two tablespoon of flour together, add to  the milk when boiling, and stir constantly until it thickens
Now press the tomatoes through a sieve, and if ready to  use the soup, add one teaspoonful of sugar and a quarter-
teaspoon full of baking-soda to the tomatoes, and then the  boiling milk; stir and serve immediately. It must not go
on the fire after mixing the milk with the tomatoes, or it  will curdle. If you are not ready, let them stand on the
fire separately, and mix them when wanted.


Wash six or eight green stalks of celery and cut them into  small pieces, using the leaves as well, cover with a pint of
boiling water and  boil thirty minutes; then press through  a colander, do not drain ; but allow the water to go
through with the celery. Put one quart of milk in a double  boiler, add the celery and water and a tablespoonful of
onion juice; rub one large tablespoonful of butter and three  even tablespoonfuls of flour to a smooth paste, add a little
of the soup until a liquid is formed, then turn into the  double boiler, stir continually until it thickens, add salt
and pepper to taste, and serve immediately.  This is delicious if properly made.


Boil one bunch of asparagus in a quart of salted water for  twenty minutes, drain, save the water, and press the aspara-
gus through a colander. Put a quart of milk in a farina  boiler, add to it a bay leaf, a sprig of parsley, and a piece
of onion. Rub together two ounces of butter and three  even tablespoonfuls of flour, add a little of the milk to this
to make it liquid, then stir it into the boiling milk, and  stir continually until it thickens. Have the asparagus and
the water hot, mix the two together, season, and serve,


Scrape and cut three large carrots into slices; cover with  two quarts of cold water and simmer gently three-quarters
of an hour. Put two ounces of suet in a frying-pan, and  when hot, add a good-sized onion, sliced; cook until a
light brown, and then add to the carrots. Press the whole  through a fine sieve; return to the fire, and stir in two
tablespoonful of corn -starch, moistened in a little cold  water. Stir until it boils; add a palatable seasoning of
salt and pepper, and a half-pint good milk. This is a good  and pretty looking soup, and only costs about five cents
for the two quarts.


Boil until tender one pint of freshly shelled white beans in  one quart of water, with one and a half ounces of salt
pork, a few sprigs of parsley, a stalk of celery, a small  onion with a clove stuck in it, and a piece of green pepper ;
drain in a colander and save the liquor; take out the pork,  parsley and onion, and press the beans through a sieve,
moistening meanwhile with the liquor to make them pass  through more readily. Put this aside while you slice and
parboil two medium-sized onions until very tender; drain.  press out the water, and put them in a saucepan with a half-
tablespoonful of butter, salt, pepper, and a little grated  nutmeg ; sprinkle over a tablespoonful of flour, and add
gradually one pint of boiling milk; press through a sieve,  and mix with the puree6e of beans. Return to the saucepan,
heat without boiling, and pour into the tureen over little  dice of fried bread.


Put a quarter of a cup of rice into a kettle with one quart of  boiling water. Lightly brown one sliced onion in two even
tablespoonfuls of butter, add it to the rice, add a bay leaf,  one slice of carrot, and a half-cup of stale bread-crumbs.
Simmer gently for thirty minutes, press through a fine sieve,  return it to the kettle, and add sufficient milk to make the
proper consistency. Season with salt and pepper, and serve.


Put one knuckle of veal into a soup kettle with three quarts  of cold water. Simmer gently for two hours, add a bay
leaf, a sprig of parsley, a small carrot, sliced, and simmer  one hour longer. Strain, and stand away to cool. When
cold and ready to use take all fat from the surface, and  turn the soup carefully into the kettle, leaving all the sedi-
ment behind, stand it over the fire to heat. Put a half-cup  of chopped suet into a dish, add a half-cup of flour, mix
well together, add a quarter of a teaspoonful of salt, and  sufficient ice water to just moisten, make into small dump-
lings the size of a marble, when all are finished put them  into the soup, boil ten minutes, add a tablespoonful of
grated onion, and a palatable seasoning of salt and pepper.
Serve at once.


Put fifty oysters on to boil in their own liquor, boil two  minutes, drain, saving the liquor. Chop the white part of
the oyster very fine, and press it through a sieve, add it to  the oyster liquor, return it to the kettle ; add a pint of
stock, a teaspoonful of onion juice, and a bay leaf. Simmer gently for five minutes. Moisten two even tablespoon-
fuls of corn-starch in a little cold water, stir it into the  soup, stir until it thickens, add a pint of hot cream or
milk, two ounces of butter, and a palatable seasoning of  salt and pepper. Do not boil after adding the milk, or
the bisque will curdle.

Bisque of clams may be made precisely in the same  way.


The flesh of all fish out of season is unwholesome; to be  eatable they should be perfectly fresh, the eyes clear, the
gills red, the scales silvery, the flesh Arm and free from any  unpleasant odor, and, to secure the best flavor, should be  cooked as soon as possible after it is taken from the water.  They should be scaled and cleaned as soon as they come  from the market, washed quickly without soaking, removing  the smallest atom of blood. Sprinkle salt on the inside,  put them in a cold place until wanted. If necessary to  keep them over night, place where the moon will not shine  on them, as the eflect is as bad as that of the hot sunshine.  The fat or oil of most fish is found in their livers, consequently the flesh is white. Salmon, herring, mackerel,  sturgeon and catfish are exceptions, having the oil distributed throughout the body, thereby giving color to the flesh.


Wash the fish well in cold water. Wipe it carefully, and  rub it with a little salt. Wrap it in a cloth; cheese cloth
will answer. Have the cloth just large enough to envelop  the fish. Sew the edges so that there will be but one thickness of the cloth over any part of the fish. Now put it into a fish kettle if you have one; if not you may lay it
on a platter, tie fish and platter together in a cloth and put  them in the bottom of a large saucepan. Cover with boiling  water, add one tablespoonful of salt and simmer very gently  ten minutes to every pound of fish. Take the fish from the  water the moment it is done; drain, remove the cloth carefully, turn the fish on to the plate; garnish with slices of  lemon and parsley. Serve with either shrimp, oyster,  Hollandaise or caper sauce, or plain drawn butter.

All cold boiled fish left may be utilized in making  salads, croquettes, or a la crimes.

This is a general rule for boiling all kinds of fish.


Perch, brook trout, catfish and all small fish are best fried.  They should be cleaned, washed well in cold water and
immediately wiped dry, inside and outside, with a clean  towel, and then sprinkled with salt. Use oil if convenient,
as it is very much better than either dripping or lard. Never  use butter as it is apt to burn and has a tendency to soften  the fish. See that the oil, lard or dripping is smoking hot,  before putting in the fish. Throw in a crumb of bread; if  it browns quickly, it is hot enough and the fish will not  absorb any grease.


This is one of the nicest ways of cooking shad, bluefish,  mackerel, salmon and the large trout. Always use a
double broiler. Rub it well with a piece of suet before putting in the fish. A fish weighing four pounds will take
half an hour to cook over a clear but moderate fire. The  flesh side should first be exposed to the fire, then the skin.
Great care must be taken not to bum the skin side. When  the fish is done, separate it carefully from the broiler with
a knife so as not to break the nice brown outside. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, and spread it with butter, stand
it in the oven for a moment and it is ready to serve.


Scrape free from all scales, make a short opening down the  belly, and take out the insides; wash well inside and out  and immediately wipe dry with a clean towel. Rub it well  with salt. Make a dressing of one cup of stale bread-
crumbs, one tablespoonful of melted butter, one tablespoonful of chopped parsley, a half-teaspoonful of salt and a little  black pepper ; mix well and stuff the body of the fish and  sew it up with soft yarn. Now score one side of the fish  with a sharp knife, making the scores about an inch apart,  and put a strip of salt pork in each gash. Grease a tin  sheet, if you have one, place it in the bottom of a baking pan, put the fish on it, dredge thickly with salt, pepper
and flour ; cover the bottom of the pan with boiling water  and put into a hot oven. Bake fifteen minutes to every
pound of fish, basting each ten minutes with the gravy in  the pan. As the water evaporates, add more to again cover
the bottom of the pan. When done, lift the tin sheet  from the pan, and slide the fish carefully into the centre of
the dish on which it is to be served ; garnish with slices  of lemon, fried potato balls, and parsley; serve with
sauce Hollandaise or roe sauce. If you have no tin sheet,  place the fish in the bottom of a baking-pan and when
done, loosen it carefully and slide it into the dish. Rock  fish may be baked in exactly the same manner.


This is the very best way of cooking shad:

The plank should be three inches thick, two feet long,  one and a half feet wide and of well-seasoned hickory or
oak. Pine or soft wood gives the fish a woody taste. Take  a fine shad just from the water, scale, split it down the
back, clean it, wash well and immediately wipe dry. Dredge  it with salt and pepper. Place the plank before a clear fire  to get VERY HOT. Then spread the shad open and nail it,  skin side next to the hot plank, with four large-headed  tacks. Put it before the fire with the large end down; in  a few minutes turn the board so that the other end will be  down, and do this every few minutes until the fish is done.  To tell when it is done pierce it with a fork ; if the flesh be  flaky it is done. Spread with butter and serve on the  plank or draw the tacks carefully and slide the shad on to  a hot dish.

The whitefish caught in the lakes are excellent when  cooked in this manner.


Pick into small pieces one pint of cold cooked fish, put one  tablespoonful of butter into a saucepan, add two table-
spoonfuls of flour, when mixed add one pint of milk, stir  continuously until it boils, add one teaspoon ful of salt and
a saltspoonful of pepper. Mix the fish carefully with the  sauce and turn into a shallow baking-dish or into individual
dishes. Sprinkle the top with stale bread-crumbs and  brown in the oven.


Cut into pieces about one inch square, two pounds of  uncooked haddock. Pare and cut into squares three good-
sized potatoes. Cut into dice a half-pound of ham. Put a  layer of the fish in the bottom of a kettle, then a layer of
potatoes, then a sprinkling of ham and chopped onion,  salt and pepper, then a layer of broken crackers, another
layer of fish, and so continue until all the materials are  used, jiist cover with cold water and simmer gently for
thirty minutes. Dish and serve.


Put a half-pint of milk on to boil. Rub together one  tablespoonful of butter and three even tablespoonfuls of
flour, then stir them into the boiling milk, stir and cook  until a thick paste is formed, add the yolk of one egg, a
tablespoonful of chopped parsley, a quarter-nutmeg grated,  ten drops of onion juice, mix and add two cupfuls of cold
boiled fish, mix again and add a palatable seasoning of  salt and cayenne, turn out to cool. When cold form into
cutlets or croquettes. Dip first in beaten egg then in  bread-crumbs and fry in smoking hot fat. Drain on
brown paper and serve very hot with Cream Sauce.


Cut uncooked fish into small pieces. Season with salt,  pepper, and very little mace, dip each piece in vinegar and
pack them in stone or earthen jars. Tie the tops tightly  with a piece of muslin, then cover with a paste made from
flour and water, stand the jars in a pan of boiling water  and bake in a moderate oven one hour. When done and cold, remove the muslin, pound the fish to a paste, put it  back into the jars and cover with melted butter. This can
be used at once and will keep two or three weeks.


Pick one pound of codfish into small pieces; soak it in  cold water for half an hour ; then drain and pour over it
enough boiling water to cover; let it stand on back part  of the fire for fifteen minutes. Strain and press out all the
water, then mix it with one pound of mashed potatoes,  which should be well beaten. Add one tablespoonful of
butter, one-fourth cup of cream, one-fourth teaspoonful of  pepper, beat well. Form into balls, roll first in beaten
egg, then in bread crumbs, and fry in smoking hot fat or  oil.


Cover two cups of picked codfish with cold water and let  it soak two hours; drain, cover with lukewarm water and
stand it on the back part of the fire, where it will not  get scalding hot, for one hour more. Then drain it free
from all water. Put one large tablespoonful of butter in a  frying-pan ; when melted, add two even tablespoonfuls of
flour and mix; then add one pint of milk, stir constantly  until it boils, add the fish, salt and pepper to taste and stir
until hot. Take firom the fire, add the yolk of one egg and serve immediately with plain boiled potatoes.

CODFISH Shaker Style

Pick one pound of uncooked salt codfish into flakes, cover  with boiling water, stand on the back part of the range for
fifteen minutes, drain, cover again with fresh boiling water,  let stand again and drain. Be very careful it does not boil,
as this ruins and toughens the fish. Put a large tablespoonful of butter into a saucepan, when melted, add a  level tablespoonful of flour, mix and add a half-pint  of boiling water, stir continuously until it thickens,
add a saltspoonful of pepper and the codfish. Mix and  pour into a shallow baking-dish. Drop a number of eggs
over the top of the codfish, dust lightly with salt and pepper, and place in the oven a few minutes until the whites
are set.


Skin and clean six nice eels, cut off their heads and then  cut theift into pieces about ten inches long; put them into
a stewing-pan, cover with boiling water, add a tablespoonful of vinegar and simmer ten minutes. Drain, save the liquor.  Rub together one tablespoonful of butter and two of flour,  then stir and melt over the fire, add the water, stir until it  boils, add the eels, a bay leaf, slice of onion, a tablespoonful of chopped parsley, salt and pepper to taste. Cover  and simmer again for twenty minutes. When done, dish  the eels, strain the sauce over, garnish with sippets fried in  butter, and serve at once.



In purchasing lobster choose those heavy for their size, fully  alive and with bright eyes. Kill by plunging them in a
large kettle full of hot water, then bring the water rapidly  to a boil. In this way they are smothered quickly without
suffering. Hen lobsters are in special request for soups and  sauces, on account of the spawn which becomes a brilliant  red on boiling.

A medium-sized lobster should boil a half-hour, a  larger one three-quarters. When done and cool twist off
the claws, and separate the tail from the body, carefully  shake out the ' tom-alley " (this is the liver of the lobster
and may be known by its greenish color), also the coral.  Remove the body shell, pick all the white meat from the
cells, rejecting the stomach which is found immediately  under the head. Split the tail shell so that the meat may
be taken out in one solid piece, now split this meat in the  centre, and you will uncover a little vein running its entire
length. This is the intestine and must be thrown away.   The stomach or lady, the vein, and the spongy fingers
between the body and shell are the only parts not eatable.  The claws should be cracked and all the meat taken from  them.


To serve plain boiled lobster, arrange the meat, cooked as  above, in the centre of a cold dish, garnish with parsley,
hard-boiled eggs cut into quarters, and the small claws of  the lobster. Let each person season to suit one's self.


Boil and open the lobster as directed, cut the meat into  dice, measure it, and to every pint allow: two table-
spoonfuls of butter, two tablespoon fuls of flour, a half-pint  of cream, a half-pint of stock, one teaspoonful of salt, a
quarter-teaspoonful of white pepper. Put the lobster into  a stewing-pan, add the stock and simmer five minutes, then
add the cream. Rub the butter and flour together until  smooth, then stir this in with the lobster carefully and
continually until it thickens, add the salt and pepper, and  serve very hot.

A teaspoonful of curry powder may be added and it is  then Curried Lobster.

LOBSTER Terrapin Style

Boil, open and cool one three-pound lobster. Cut it into  pieces about one inch square. Put a quarter-pound of
butter in a saucepan, when melted, add an even tablespoonful of flour, mix until smooth, add a gill of cream, stir
continually until it boils. Take from the fire and work in  carefully the hard-boiled yolks of four eggs, mashed fine, add a half-teaspoonful of salt, a grain of cayenne, then add  the lobster, stand the saucepan over a kettle of boiling
water to re-heat. When hot and ready to serve, add two  tablespoonfuls of sherry.


Chop very fine two cups of boiled lobster, then pound, to  a pulp, with a wooden masher, adding gradually four table-
spoonfuls of cream, then add the unbeaten white of an egg;  beat into the mixture well, then add another and beat again,  and so continue until you add three whites. Add an even  teaspoonful of salt, a grain of cayenne, and stir in lightly the  whites of two eggs, beaten to a dry froth. Garnish the  bottoms of small moulds with chopped mushrooms, fill  two-thirds fiill with the mixture. Stand the moulds in a  pan of boiling water, cover and cook in the oven twenty  minutes. When done, turn from the moulds and serve  with Cream Mushroom Sauce.


Two cups of chopped boiled lobster. Put a half-pint of  cream or milk on to boil. Rub together two ounces of
butter and three even tablespoonfuls of flour, stir these  into the boiling cream, stir continually until a thick paste
is formed, add the beaten yolks of two eggs, cook a  moment, take from the fire, add the lobster, a tablespoonful
of chopped parsley, a quarter of a grated nutmeg, ten drops  of onion juice, salt and cayenne to taste, mix carefully and  turn out to cool. When cold, form into cutlet-shaped  croquettes, dip first in beaten egg then in bread-crumbs,
and fry in smoking hot fat ; add a tablespoonful of hot  water to the tgg as it makes a thinner and more delicate
covering. It will require about two minutes for frying.  When done, drain, arrange them on a heated dish, put the
end of a small claw in each cutlet to represent the mutton  bone, garnish with parsley, and serve with Cream Sauce or  Sauce Tartare.


Boil the crabs and pick out the meat. Put a large tablespoonful of butter in a saucepan; when melted, add the
crab meaty add a grating of nutmeg, teaspoonful of salt,  a dash of cayenne, and two teaspoonfuls of lemon juice.
Serve hot with dry toast.


12 nice, heavy crabs, one tablespoonful of salt
1/2 pint of cream, one tablespoonful of butter
2 tablespoonfuls of flour, one tablespoonful of chopped grated parsley,
1/4  of a ground nutmeg,

Yolks of four hard-boiled eggs Salt and cayenne to taste   Put the crabs in warm water, add the salt and put the kettle   over a brisk fire. Boil thirty minutes. Take up and drain;   break off all the claws, separate the shells, remove the   spongy fingers, and the stomach, which is found under the   head. Pick out all the meat. Put the cream on to boil;   rub the butter and flour together and add to the boiling   milk; stir and cook for two minutes. Take from the fire   and add the crab meat, the yolks of the hard-boiled eggs   mashed fine, the parsley, the nutmeg, salt and cayenne.   Clean the upper shells of the crabs, fill them with the   mixture, brush over with beaten egg, cover with bread   crumbs and put in a quick oven to brown; or better, put   them in a frying-basket and plunge into smoking hot fat or
oil until a nice brown.


The soft-shell crab is nothing more than a hard-shell crab  after shedding its shell. In about three days the new shell
begins to harden again, which is the cause of the always  short supply.

Lift the shell and remove the spongy substance on both  sides, then put your thumb nail under the point of the
" apron" and pull it off. The 'apron " is a small, loose  shell, running to a point in the middle of the under shell.
Now wipe the crabs dry; if they are at all sandy, wash them  before removing anything. Do not blanch them, as it
entirely destroys their fine flavor. Dip them, while alive,  in beaten egg, and then in bread-crumbs which have been
well seasoned with salt and cayenne. Fry in smoking hot  oil or lard for ten minutes; when done, drain a moment on
soft brown paper. Put Sauce Tartare in the centre of a  cold, fiat dish, arrange the crabs around this, garnish with
parsley and lemon cut into quarters, and serve.


Of all fish belonging to the lobster species, shrimps are the  smallest. They are of two kinds, the gulf shrimps or
prawns being the largest. They are sold by the quart,  already boiled, in some markets, but in the Northern cities
the canned goods are convenient and very nice. Those  put up by Dunbar & Co., and White, are the best.


Scallops are always sold by measure, and only the muscular  part of the fish is fit to use.

Cover the scallops with boiling water and let them  stand three minutes; drain, and dry them with a towel;
season with salt and pepper ; dip first in beaten egg then  in bread-crumbs, and fry in smoking hot fat or oil.


Mussels are soft-shell clams. They should be of medium  size, heavy and perfectly fresh. They should always be
fried and served same as oysters.


The small sand or cherry-stone clams are the better of the  two varieties, the mud clams or quahaugs being tough and  very salt.


Chop and drain twenty-five small clams, add to them one  gill of milk, four tablespoonfuls of flour, the yolks of three
eggs, and a saltspoonful of pepper. Stir in the well-beaten  whites of the eggs and fry or saut6 in nice sweet lard or
suet. Do not float, but cook one side at a time. Drain  on soft paper and serve very hot.


Drain fifty small clams. Then chop them fine. Boil and  skim the liquor. Add to it one quart of veal stock, a tea-
spoon fill of onion juice and a dash of cayenne, add the  clams and four ounces of stale bread. Boil five minutes
and then press through a sieve. Return it to the kettle,  add two even tablespoonfuls of arrow-root, moistened in a
little cold water, stir until it thickens, add one pint of milk  or cream. As soon as hot, serve. Do not boil or it will


Cut a half-pound of ham or bacon into dice. Pare and  cut three medium-sized potatoes into tiny squares. Chop
one onion fine. Cut one pound of veal into pieces about  an inch square. Chop fifty clams. Mash six water crackers.
Chop one tablespoonful of parsley. Now put a layer of  potatoes in the bottom of a kettle, then a sprinkling of
ham, a little onion and parsley, then a layer of tomatoes  then chopped clams, and continue these alternations until
all the materials are used, having the last layer clams. Now  add sufficient boiling water to just cover. Closely cover
the kettle, and simmer for a half-hour, without stirring,  then add one pint of hot milk, and the crackers. Stir and
serve at once, very hot. The tomatoes may be omitted, if  not liked.

FRIED OYSTERS Philadelphia Style

Select for frying the finest oysters you can get. Drain  them in a colander, and dry one by one on an old napkin
or soft linen. Do not lift them with a fork, but carefully  with the fingers. Season on both sides with salt and
cayenne. Beat up an tgg in a saucer, add one tablespoonful of boiling water, and half a teaspoonful of salt. Put
some nice stale bread-crumbs out on your baking-board, and  season with salt and cayenne. Dip the oysters one by one  first in the bread-crumbs, then in the egg and then place  again in the crumbs, covering every part most carefully,  pressing it lightly with the hand. Put a deep frying pan over the fire, with enough oil or lard to immerse the
oysters. Be sure the oil or lard is smoking hot (365 degrees Fahr.);  if you have no thermometer, drop in a crumb of bread, if  it browns quickly, it is hot enough. Put in six of your  oysters, watch them carefully, as soon as they are of a  golden brown, take them out with a skimmer, and drain on  a soft piece of brown paper, and serve at once on a hot  dish. Some kind of pickles should always be served with  them, in a separate dish.

Oysters are very much better fried in oil than lard or  butter. They should never be fried until you are quite
ready to eat them, as they are not good when kept warm,  or warmed over. If you have a large quantity to fry, they
may be dipped an hour or two before serving time, and  spread on a clean cloth in a cool place. Always use bread-
crumbs in preference to cracker-crumbs.


Boil twenty oysters in their own liquor; drain. Put one  large tablespoonful of butter in a frying-pan, and when
melted, add one large tablespoonful of flour; mix until  smooth, now add one-half pint of milk, stir until it boils ;
add the oysters and a half-cup of the liquor, salt and cayenne to taste, and stir again until it boils. Take from the
fire, add the yolks of two eggs lightly beaten, and one  tablespoonful of chopped parsley; serve at once.


Drain fifty oysters, or one quart, and put the liquor on to  boil; as soon as it boils, skim all the white scum from the
surface ; now add the oysters, bring to boiling point and  skim again, then add a half-pint of milk, a tablespoonful
of butter rubbed with a tablespoonful of flour; cook one  minute. Season with salt and pepper, and serve without


Drain and season the oysters with salt and cayenne. Dip  first in melted butter, then in bread-crumbs, and broil over
a clear fire until a very light brown. Serve on toast, with  Maitre d'Hdtel Butter.


Drain and dry the oysters. Boil and skim the liquor. Put  one tablespoonful of butter in a frying-pan, and when very
brown add one tablespoonful of flour, brown again, add the  oyster liquor, boil, season with salt and pepper. Stand
over boiling water to keep hot while you broil the oysters.  Put a griddle or cast-iron pan over a very hot fire. Grease
lightly with butter, throw on a few oysters at a time, when  brown on one side turn and brown the other. When done
put them in the sauce. Serve on buttered toast.


Drain twenty-five oysters and put the liquor on to boil.  As soon as boiled, skim, and stand aside until wanted.
Put one tablespoonful of butter in a frying-pan to melt,  do not brown ; add two slices of onion, and stir until the
onion turns a golden color, then add one tablespoonful of  flour, one teaspoonful of curry powder, mix, and add a
half-pint of the oyster liquor, stir continually until it boils,  add a half-teaspoon ful of salt and stand the pan over boil-
ing water to await the oysters. Dry the oysters on a soft  towel. Heat a large, iron frying-pan, grease it lightly
with butter, and throw in the oysters, a few at a time,  turning as soon as they are a golden brown. As fast as they
are cooked throw them into the sauce.  Serve hot with boiled rice.


Put two cups of flour into a cold bowl, cut into it quickly  a quarter-pound of cold, hard butter, add a teaspoonful of
salt and sufficient ice-water to just moisten. A word of  caution : add the water very carefully, wetting only the
dry flour, never stirring twice in the same place. Dredge  the baking-board lightly with flour, turn the paste out onto
it and roll lightly and quickly from you into a long, thin  sheet. Place over this a quarter-pound of butter, cut into
small pieces, fold into three, turn the paste around and to  from you again as before. Fold and roll again; then fold
and stand on the ice for two hours. This paste to be very  light must be mixed and rolled quickly, and the materials
icy cold, with one-half this paste line a deep pie-dish.  Drain fifty oysters free from all liquor, turn them into the
pie-dish, add a tablespoonful of butter, cut into small  pieces, salt and pepper. Roll out the remaining half of
the paste for the upper cover. Bake in a quick oven thirty  minutes.



Good beef should be of fine grain, firm texture, a clear  red color, and a yellowish-white, firm fat. The best pieces
for roasting are the ribs, sirloin and pin-bone; the latter  containing a large piece of tenderloin, with a corresponding
piece of sirloin, makes a delightful roast, and is entirely  unknown to many persons. Three-fourths of the populace
order for roasting — and fully believe they receive it — the  middle cut of the standing ribs. When we stop to consider
that one animal only contains two such cuts, we see how  impossible it is for a butcher to send this to each of his two
hundred customers, if he is fortunate enough to have that  number. In so doing, he would have to slaughter one
hundred animals, and many of our first-class and well-to-do  butchers cut and sell only four or five animals per week.
It is my intention to teach you how to make good, wholesome, palatable dishes, out of the so-called inferior pieces
of meat. A pound of meat from the shoulder, costing eight  to ten cents per pound, contains just as much nourishment
as tenderloin at seventy-five cents per pound.


Meat cooked in the oven is truly baked meat, not roasted,  and if the former be done according to scientific principles,
it is in no way a "mean *' dish. I am convinced, from  practical experiments, that meat cooked by dry heat in an
open chamber will, if properly managed, produce better  results in every respect than a tin kitchen and an open fire,
in the hands of an untrained cook. One teacher argues  that the vapor injures the flavor of the meat, but I cannot
see how the vapor of beef can possibly injure the flavor of  beef, or the vapor of mutton be at all damaging to mutton.
The object in baking is to seal up the pores on the surface  as quickly and completely as possible, thus retaining the
juices within the meat. Put your meat, then, in an iron  baking-pan, dust it with pepper only ; sprinkling with salt
hardens the fibrine on the outside and toughens the meat.  Put a half-cup of water in the bottom of the pan to prevent
scorching, and slide the whole into a very hot oven. Let  the surface crust or brown as speedily as possible ; do not
baste for the first fifteen minutes ; at the end of this time  you will find sufficient dripping with which to baste. Do
not add more water ; remember, you are baking, not braising or stewing. If the roast is large, fifteen minutes to
every pound will be required, and the oven should be  slightly cooled after the first hour and salt added to the fat
in the pan. In this way the salt is basted into the meat,  which should be done every ten minutes. In roasting
smaller pieces of meat a different procedure is necessary.  The time slightly decreases, say ten minutes to every pound,
adding salt after the first fifteen, and basting every ten  minutes as before. I have frequently heard the heads of
small households refuse to have roast beef, because 'small  roasts are never good." This is an error, as I have had,
many times, as delicious roasts from a properly cooked four pound rib, as from those weighing nine or twelve pounds.
The continual basting with hot fat assists the communication  of heat and checks the evaporation of the juices, but if the
pan be partly filled with water, the meat is given a water  bath by the basting, loses its juices, and becomes tasteless
and dry.

BAKED BEEF French Style

Secure a nice fat middle cut .of rib or a pin-bone roast, weighing about ten pounds. Mix together two tablespoonfiils of
olive oil and two of lemon juice. Moisten the meat all over with this mixture. Cut two onions into thin slices,
add one tablespoonful of chopped parsley, and a saltspoonful of white pepper. Put part of this mixture on a large
dish, place the meat on top of it then the remainder over the meat, cover and stand aside over night. Next day
bake the same as plain Baked Beef.

This preparation certainly improves the flavor of the  meat and makes it more tender.


To prepare, first remove, with a sharp knife, every shred  of the muscular covering from one side of the fillet. Cut
larding pork (very fat salt pork) into tiny strips, and throw  them into a bowl of ice-water to harden. Place one end
in the slot end of a larding needle as far as it will go,  thrust the needle into the meat, taking a stitch near the
top and one end about one inch deep, push the needle  through, place the finger lightly on the end of the pork
and draw out the needle, leaving the pork exposed about  one inch at each end of the stitch. Continue until you
have two rows of these lardoons (the name given to these  small strips) down the centre of the fillet. The lardoons
should be one inch apart. In the bottom of a baking-pan  put one small onion, sliced, one carrot, a few pieces of
celery, four cloves, a sprig of parsley, and two bay leaves.  Put the fillet in the pan on top of these, dredge with pep-
per, and spread with butter, add to the pan a teaspoonful of salt, and a cup of boiling water or stock. Bake in a
quick oven for thirty minutes, basting with melted butter  four or five times. The shape is such as to take thirty
minutes to bake a fillet no matter what its weight. When  done take it out and place on a heated dish, add to the
pan one pint of stock or water, and let it simmer  while  you brown in another pan two ounces of butter and two
tablespoonfuls of flour. Remember that both butter and  flour must be a dark brown. Now add the pint of liquor
from the other pan, stir continually until it boils, and add  a pint of fresh mushrooms, or a can of French mushrooms,
cook five minutes, take from the fire, add a tablespoonful of Worcestershire sauce, a tablespoonfiil of tomato
catsup, and a palatable seasoning of salt and pepper, pour  around the fillet, and serve.

The fillet may also be served with plain tomato sauce.


Cut the fillet into pieces about one inch thick. Mix together two tablespoonfuls of melted butter and one of lemon
juice. Moisten .the meat carefully with this mixture and  stand in a cold place for one hour or longer, then place
them in a wire broiler, and broil five minutes over a clear  fire turning the broiler ten times. Serve with salt, pepper,
and melted butter, or with tomato or mushroom sauce.


The word "braise" means to cook meats slowly, in a  closely-covered pan in the oven, the pan containing suffi-
cient water to keep up a goodly quantity of steam. The  meat should be placed in the bottom of the pan, the pan
partly filled with boiling water, a teaspoonful of salt added,  a sliced onion, a carrot, a sprig of parsley, and a bay leaf,
if liked. Now cover the pan closely, and place on the  bottom of a moderately hot oven, and bake or cook fifteen
minutes to every pound of meat, basting every half hour.  Meat thus cooked should be of a delicate brown, juicy and
tender. You cannot roast in a braising-pan — meat is always  dry and tasteless. A brown sauce should be made from
browned butter and flour and the liquor from the bottom  of the braising-pan.

All kinds of meats and poultry are braised in precisely  the same manner.


Wash the tongue, put it into a kettle and cover with boiling water; simmer gently for two hours. Then take out
the tongue, skin it, trim off the rough pieces at the roots,  and remove the bones. Now tie the tip of the tongue
around to the side of the thicker part ; fasten it. Now put  two tablespoonfuls of butter in a frying-pan and brown it,
then add two tablespoonfuls of flour, mix well; then add  one quart of stock or the water in which the tongue was
boiled, one onion, one carrot, one turnip, one potato,  sliced, a sprig of parsley, two bay leaves, a tablespoonful
of Worcestershire sauce, and a tablespoonful of mushroom  catsup ; stir until it boils. Put the tongue in a baking or
braising-pan, pour this sauce around it; if in a baking-pan cover, put it in the oven, and bake two hours, basting
every fifteen minutes. When done, dish the tongue; remove the strings. Boil the sauce until reduced to one
pint, pour it over and around the tongue, and serve.


Mix one pound of uncooked beef, chopped fine, yolk of  one egg,  one tablespoonful of chopped parsley, one of
butter, one of bread-crumbs, one teaspoonful of lemon juice, one of salt, and three dashes of black pepper to-
gether, then form into a roll about six inches long and four inches in diameter; wrap in greased paper, put in a
baking-pan and bake in a quick oven thirty minutes, basting twice with melted butter. When done, remove the
the paper, place the roll in the centre of a hot dish, and serve with Mushroom or Brown Sauce poured over it.


Take three pounds from upper side of round. Make gashes  in the meat about two inches long and almost through it.
Mix one-fourth of a teaspoonful of black pepper, one-fourth  of a teaspoonful of nutmeg, one-half teaspoonful of all-
spice, one-fourth teaspoonful of cloves, and one teaspoonful of salt. Mix one cup of bread-crumbs, one
tablespoonful of chopped parsley, and one tablespoonful  of butter (melted) together. Rub the meat on both sides
with the spices and put the remainder in the gashes. Fill  the gashes nearly full with the bread-crumbs. Cut one-
fourth of a pound of larding pork into pieces the size of  the gashes, and work them down with the crumbs. Now
tie the meat around with a piece of twine to hold in the  filling. Put it in a saucepan and cover with a gravy made
as follows : Put one tablespoonful of butter in a frying-pan and let it brown, add one tablespoonful of flour and mix
well, then add one quart of stock, stir until it boils, then  add one tablespoonful of mushroom catsup, one of tomato
catsup, one of Worcestershire sauce, one onion, and one  bay leaf, and pour it over the meat; simmer gently three
hours. Then take the meat out, put it in a baking-pan,  pour over two tablespoonfuls of glaze or gravy, and put it
in the oven for ten or fifteen minutes to brown. Then  dish and strain the gravy over and around it.


Take a piece from the round weighing about seven pounds.  Remove the bone. Cut deep gashes into the meat about
one inch apart, being careful not to cut all the way through.  Mix together, one teaspoonful of salt, half teaspoonful of
pepper, same of cinnamon, a quarter- teaspoonful of mace,  the same of cloves, and rub them into the meat on both
sides, sprinkling a little into the gashes. Cut fat salt pork  into pieces the size of the gashes, put a piece into each
gash. Make a filling from a half-cup of stale bread crumbs, one small onion, grated, and moisten with vinegar.
Work a portion of this into the gashes by the side of the  pork. Mix three tablespoonfuls of olive oil with one and
a half of vinegar, and moisten both sides of the meat; stand away over night. In the morning, bind it together
with a piece of tape. Put it in a baking-pan with one  onion, sliced, one carrot, a bay leaf, piece of celery and a
sprig of parsley. Partly cover it with boiling water; then cover with another pan, and cook in the oven for four hours.
Baste every twenty minutes. When done remove the  meat, and stand aside to cool. Strain this liquor in the pan
and add to it a quarter-box of soaked gelatine. Season to  taste and put it into a square pan to cool. This should
form an amber jelly, and may be cut in blocks and used as  a garnish for the beef a  la mode.


Trim the steak free from all suet. Put the meat plate to  heat. See that the fire is clear and free from gas. Grease
and heat the broiler. Now put the steak in the hot broiler  and place it over the fire; turn constantly. It will take
eight minutes to broil if the steak is three-quarters of an  inch thick. When done, place it on the hot plate, dredge
it with salt and pepper ; turn it and season the other side.  Serve immediately.

Never attempt to broil a toiigh steak; if you should be so unfortunate as to buy one, use it for some made dish,
as hacking or hammering bruises the meat, and allows all  the juices to escape.


When there are no conveniences for broiling (and we never  fry a steak), heat an iron pan very hot, put in the steak,
turn it from side to side over a very hot fire for about fifteen minutes. The steak should be about three-quarters of
an inch in thickness. Serve on a hot plate, seasoned the  same as broiled steak.


Have cut from the upper round a steak about one inch   thick. Put it in a baking-pan, add a half-cup of hot water
and bake for thirty minutes. Take it from the oven,  cover it with a layer of Spanish onion cut into thin slices. Put
it back in the oven and bake thirty minutes longer. Take  it out again, dust it with salt and pepper, and cover
it with a layer of stewed tomatoes, then a sprinkling of  grated cheese ; put it back in the oven long enough to
thoroughly heat and melt the cheese. Serve very hot, and  in dishing lift the steak carefully without disturbing the


Beat the yolks of three eggs, add to them one pint of cold,  chopped beef, one gill of stock, two tablespoonfuls of
butter, a half-cup of stale bread-crumbs, a half-pint of  cream, a tablespoonful of chopped parsley, a teaspoonful
of salt, and a half-teaspoonful of pepper. Brush custard  cups well with butter, press the breslau into them. Partly
fill a baking-pan with boiling water, stand the cups in it,  and bake in a quick oven for thirty minutes. When done,
turn them from the cups into a heated dish, pour around  Tomato Sauce, garnish with squares of toasted bread, and
serve hot.


Cut cold meat into dice. Put a tablespoonful of butter  into a frying-pan, when hot, add two tablespoonfuls of
stale bread-crumbs, fry until brown ; add the meat, a pint,  a half-teaspoonful of dry mustard, a dash of cayenne, and
a sprinkling of salt. When the meat is thoroughly heated,  add the yolks of four hard-boiled eggs mashed fine, a half-
cup of stock, or water ; let boil up once, and serve very  hot. Buttered toast should be served with it.

TO CORN BEEP FOR DRYING (Grandmother's Recipe)

Cut a round of beef into four pieces. Rub each piece  lightly with salt on all sides, and let it stand one day
before corning. Make a brine from one tub of water, a  half-pound of sugar, a teaspoonful of powdered saltpetre,
and salt until the brine will float an egg. Put the meat  into this brine and allow it to remain two weeks. Cover
it carefully and look at it frequently. See that the brine  covers the meat; if not, make a little more from salt and
water and add to it. At the end of the two weeks, take out the meat and hang it in a cool place, to dry. It may
be smoked, but many think this destroys the flavor.


Wash it well, and put it on to boil in cold water. Bring  slowly to a simmer, and simmer thirty minutes to every

If to be served cold, allow it to cool in the liquor in  which it was boiled.


Chip dried beef very thin. To every half-pound allow a  large tablespoonful of butter, a half-pint of milk, and one
tablespoonful of flour. Melt the butter in a frying-pan,  then add the meat, and stir over the fire for about two min-
utes, or until the butter begins to brown; dredge in the  flour, stir again, then add the milk and a little pepper; stir
again until it boils, and serve immediately.


Soak the heart three hours in cold water, remove the muscles from the inside, and take out every atom of blood.
Make a forcemeat as follows : One cup of bread-crumbs,  one tablespoonful of chopped parsley, one tablespoonful of
melted butter, half a teaspoonful of marjoram, half a teaspoonful of salt, and two dashes of black pepper; mix, and
stuff the heart. Tie it together with twine, and wrap tightly in a cloth, sewing the ends together so that the stuf-
fing cannot possibly get out. Put it into a small stewpan with the point of the heart down, nearly cover with boiling
water and simmer until tender, about two and a half hours,  then remove the cloth, place the heart in a baking-pan,
baste with melted butter, and brown in a quick oven.  When done, place it on a heated dish. Put one table-
spoonful of butter in the baking-pan, arid, when brown,  add two tablespoonfuls of flour, and a pint of the water in
which the heart was stewed ; stir constantly until it boils,  add salt and pepper to taste, and four tablespoonfuls of
sherry. Pour it over the heart and serve very hot.


Be sure that the kidneys are perfectly fresh, split them in  halves, wash them in cold water, and with a pointed knife
take out all the fat and sinewy tubes. Cut the remaining  part into thin slices, throw them into a stewpan of cold
water, stand them over a moderate fire, and, when steaming  hot, drain, scald, stand aside for a few minutes; drain and
scald again. One point must always be remembered, that  is, that the kidney must never boil or reach the boiling
point, or it will be hard and tough. Put two tablespoonfuls of butter in a frying-pan, and when very brown, add
two tablespoonfuls of flour; brown again, and add one  pint of water or stock, stir continually until it boils, add a
palatable seasoning of salt and pepper, and the kidney, stir  until the kidney is very hot, and then stand over boiling
water for five minutes. If you use wine, add two tablespoonfuls, or you may add Worcestershire sauce and a little
lemon juice.



Trim the leg and wipe it with a damp cloth, place it in a  baking-pan, dust it with pepper, put a half-cup of water in
the pan, place it *in a hot oven, and bake twenty minutes  to every pound, dust thickly with salt when the meat is
half done. Serve with a brown sauce made from the fat in  the pan.

Mutton to be perfectly tender should be well hung in  the open air, and thoroughly basted while baking.


A shoulder of mutton may be baked precisely the same as  a leg of mutton, or the bone may be removed, and the
vacancy filled with a bread stuffing.


Wipe the leg with a damp towel, dust a piece of cheese  cloth thickly with flour and wrap the leg in it, then place it
in a large kettle of boiling water. The leg must be thoroughly covered with the water, cover the kettle, boil for five
minutes, then put it on the back part of the range, and  gently simmer fifteen minutes to every pound. Add a
teaspoonful of salt when the leg is half done. When done,  remove the towel carefully, dish the leg, garnish with parsley,
trim the bone with quilled paper, and serve with Caper  Sauce in a boat.

Save the liquor in which the mutton was boiled for  Brown or Herb Soup.


Rub the outside of the leg with a mixture of the following  spices : a half-teaspoonful of pepper, the same of cloves,
a quarter-teaspoonful of nutmeg and a half-teaspoonful of  curry powder. Hang it in a cool place forty-eight hours.

Place it in a braising-pan with one onion and one  carrot, sliced, two bay leaves, and a piece of celery, add
one quart of good cider, cover the pan and cook in a quick  oven one and three-quarters hours. The leg should be
basted every ten minutes, and turned once or twice while  cooking.

Serve with the sauce in the pan poured around it. If  the sauce is thin, after the leg is taken out boil it rapidly
until reduced to the proper consistency.


Broil precisely the same as beefsteak.
Serve with Tomato Sauce or green peas.


Secure a large Southdown shoulder, bone it, sprinkle it well  with pepper and mace, and hang it in a cold place over
night. In the morning fill the space from which the bone  was taken with nicely seasoned oysters, sew up and tie into
shape. Put the shoulder in a stewing-pan and cover with  boiling water, add an onion, a dozen pepper-corns, and
one teaspoonful of salt, cover closely and simmer gently  twenty minutes to each pound of meat. Serve with
Oyster Sauce.


Cut two necks of mutton into small pieces, put them in a  stewing-pan, and just cover with boiling water. Bring the
whole quickly to a boil; boil rapidly one minute, then  push the saucepan on the back part of the range, where
the contents will gently simmer, for three hours; about a  half-hour before the stew is done, add one tablespoonful of
grated onion, four potatoes cut into dice, and a palatable  seasoning of salt and pepper. When done, dish the meat
carefully with a skimmer, allowing as much as possible  of the sauce to remain in the saucepan, which take from the
fire. Beat the yolks of two eggs with two tablespoonfuls  of cream until light, and add them hastily to the sauce;
pour this over the meat, and sprinkle with finely chopped  parsley. Serve with it, stewed tomatoes and browned
slices of turnip.


Chop one pint of cold cooked mutton. Put one tablespoonful of butter in a frying-pan  when melted, add a  tablespoonful of flour and stir until smooth, add half-pint  of boiling water, stir until it boils, add the meat, a teaspoonful of curry powder, and a half-teaspoonful of salt;  stir until thoroughly heated. Then heap it in the centre of a meat dish, and put around it a border of nicely boiled  rice.


Chop one pint of cold cooked mutton, three ounces of  beef suet, and six raw oysters; mix, add a half-cup of bread-
crumbs, one egg slightly beaten, salt, pepper, and a  quarter-teaspoonful of mace, and, if convenient, a teaspoon-
ful of anchovy paste; mix all thoroughly together into  small round cakes, and fry in butter. Serve with Tomato


Chop the uncooked heart, tongue, and half of the liver  of a sheep, and mix with them one-half their weight in
chopped bacon, add a half-cup of stale bread-crumbs, the  grated rind of one lemon, a teaspoonful of salt, a quarter-
teaspoonful of black pepper, and two well-beaten eggs;  pack this into a well-buttered mould, cover, place it in a
kettle partly filled with boiling water, and boil slowly for  two hours. When done, turn it on a dish, and serve it
plain or with Sauce Bechammel.


Chop one pint of cold cooked mutton. Put it in a stewing pan, and add two tablespoonfuls of butter, a half-pint of
water, one small onion, chopped, a half-pint of green peas  or a half-can, a small head of lettuce, torn in small pieces,
a teaspoonful of salt, and a quarter-teaspoonful of pepper;  cover, and cook slowly for one hour. When done, dish,
and serve with a border of boiled rice.


Remove the skin from a breast of lamb, and then cut It  into square pieces; dredge these with flour. Pat two
ounces of butter in a stewing-pan, and, when hot, throw in  the pieces of lamb; cook and shake until the meat is nicely
browned, then add one quart of boiling water or stock,  one Bermuda onion, cut into slices, an even teaspoonful
of salt, and a saltspoon of white pepper. Cover the stewing-pan, and simmer gently until the meat is tender, then
skim off the fat and add one pint of asparagus tops that  have been cooked ten minutes in boiling water. Let the
whole boil ten minutes longer, and serve in a border of  nicely boiled rice.


Wash one dozen sheeps' tongues, and soak them over night  in cold water. In the morning put them in a kettle of fresh
cold water and bring them slowly to a boil, skim all the  scum from the top, and simmer two hours; stand aside to
cool in the liquor. When cold, remove the skin and trim  off the rough parts. Lay them between two plates to
flatten. Arrange them in a circle on a meat -dish with  Mayonnaise in the center. Garnish with water-cress.


Wash thoroughly six fresh sheeps' tongues. Throw them  into boiling water, and simmer very gently for one and a
half hours. At the end of first hour add one onion, one bay  leaf, a teaspoonful of salt, and a quarter-teaspoonful of
pepper. When done, remove the skin and rough parts.  Have ready some Aspic Jelly, made as follows: Put a
quarter-pound of bacon in the bottom of a soup-kettle, let  it brown, and add one onion, cut in slices, and stir until a
nice brown; then add one large tablespoonful of butter,  and, when hot, one pound of uncooked beef, cut fine;
cover the kettle and let it simmer until a thick brown glaze  is formed in the bottom of the kettle ; then add a knuckle
of veal and two quarts of cold water ; simmer gently for  two hours. Now add a slice of turnip, a slice of parsnip,
a half carrot, a stalk of celery, six pepper-corns, three whole  allspice, two cloves, a blade of mace, a chip of lemon rind,
a tablespoonful of Worcestershire sauce, and salt to taste.  Then simmer two hours longer. When done it should be
reduced one-half, strain and clarify the same as Consomme.  Put a layer of the jelly in the bottom of a mould, stand it
away until stiff and cold. Put the sheeps* tongues on the  jelly and pour the remaining jelly over them. Stand the
whole in a cold place over night or for several hours.  When cold and firm, turn it out on a cold meat-dish.
Garnish with hard-boiled eggs and water-cress.


Veal and pork may be placed side by side as far as digestibility is concerned. Persons of weak digestive organs
cannot afford to eat either. Veal, perhaps, has the preference, provided it be cut thin and cooked thoroughly.
Veal roasted is far more unwholesome than when cooked in  any other way.

Use judgment and care in selecting. Choose that at  least two months old, with firm flesh, pinkish tinge, and
good-sized hard bones. That with small bones, soft and  flabby flesh, with bluish tinge should be avoided as not
only unwholesome, but dangerous.


The usual method of dipping a thick cutlet into egg and  crumbs, and then frying it slowly in lard is abominable.
But if the cutlet be cut as thin as a knife blade, blanched  by pouring over it boiling water, then dried, dipped, and
fried quickly in nice veal suet,  it will be both palatable and  comparatively wholesome.


Have the butcher remove the bone from the shoulder, fill  the space with a bread stuffing, seasoned only with salt,
pepper, and parsley, pin the meat together with a skewer,  and finish precisely the same as baked beef or mutton.


Take the remains of cold roast veal and cut it into neat  squares. To each quart of these squares allow a pint of
sauce made as follows: Put two tablespoonfuls of butter  in a frying-pan and, when very brown, add two even table-
spoonfuls of fiour, mix until smooth, and add one pint of  stock, or water, stir continually until it boils, add a tea-
spoonful of salt, a dash of pepper, and the meat. When  thoroughly hot, stir in three hard-boiled eggs, chopped very
fine. Serve with plain boiled rice.


Parboil and carefully remove the skin without breaking the  sweetbreads. Put them into a small stewing-pan with two
ounces of butter, a tablespoon ful of chopped onion, a  tablespoonful of chopped parsley, one clove, a bay leaf, a
teaspoonful of Worcestershire sauce, a half- teaspoon ful of  salt and a half- pint of white stock. Stand the pan on a
moderate fire and simmer for thirty minutes. Dish the  sweetbreads. Wash a pint of French peas in cold water,
add them to the sauce, let the whole come to a boil, skim  all the fat from the surface, and pour the sauce and peas
aroimd the sweetbreads.


Parboil, skin and chop one large pair of sweetbreads.  Chop one dozen mushrooms very fine. Put one gill of
cream on to boil in a porcelain-lined or granite kettle.  Rub smoothly together one tablespoonful of butter and
two even tablespoonfuls of flour, and stir into the boiling  cream, stirring continually until it forms a thick paste;
then add the yolks of two eggs, stir another minute, add  the sweetbreads and mushrooms, a quarter-teaspoonful of
grated nutmeg, a teaspoonful of onion juice, a tablespoonful of chopped parsley, salt and white pepper to taste ;
mix and turn out to cool ; when cold, form into cutlets,  dip in tgg and bread-crumbs and fry in smoking-hot fat.
Drain on brown paper, and serve with Cream Sauce.


Parboil the sweetbreads for twenty minutes, then throw  them into cold water for five minutes to blanch. Carefully
remove all the skin and rougher parts. Pick them to  pieces, rejecting all the fine membranes, and chop with a
silver knife. Cut ten mushrooms into dice. Put one   large tablespoonful of butter into a granite or porcelain-lined kettle to melt; when melted, add one tablespoonful  of flour, mix until smooth, add a half-pint of cream, stir  continually until it boils; add the mushrooms and sweet  breads and stand over the steam of the teakettle until all  is thoroughly heated, add a half-teaspoonful of salt and a  dash of white pepper. Serve in fancy paper cases, natural  or silver shells.


Cut the liver into slices and scald it. Then wipe it dry,  season with salt and pepper, and broil over a clear fire, first
on one side and then on the other; it will take about five  minutes. When done, spread lightly with butter, and
serve on heated dish.


Pork, like veal, should be thoroughly cooked, and should  be eaten only during the winter months.


Put the loin in a baking-pan, dust it with pepper, put a  half-cup of water in the bottom of the pan, add a teaspoonful of salt and a teaspoonful of powdered sage, and  bake in a quick oven twenty minutes to every pound, basting every fifteen minutes. Serve with it plain Apple Sauce.


Put one gill of milk on to boil, add to it two tablespoonfuls  of dried bread-crumbs; stir over the fire until it thickens;
add one cup of cooked ham finely chopped, one tablespoonful of chopped parsley, a dash of cayenne, and the beaten
yolk of one egg; mix well and turn out to cool. When  cool, form into balls about the size of a hickory nut ; roll
first in egg and then in bread-crumbs, and then plunge into smoking-hot fat for about two minutes to brown.


Soak the ham over night in sufficient cold water to cover  it. Next morning wash and trim it neatly. Put it in a large kettle, cover with cold water, add a tablespoonful of  molasses, and a quart of cider; cover the kettle and cook
slowly fifteen minutes to every pound of ham. When the  ham is done, take it out, remove the skin, and place it in
a baking-pan, fat side up, brush it over with beaten egg  sprinkle lightly with bread-crumbs, add a pint of cider to
the pan, and bake in a moderate oven one hour, basting  once or twice with the cider. Serve hot, cut in thin slices.


If care is taken in the dressing of fowls, there is no need  of washing. In my own school it is never done^ unless
some one is unfortunate enough to break an intestine, then  the washing is done as delicately as possible. To get the
best results bake poultry twenty minutes in a very hot  oven, then cook slowly to finish. All poultry is much
better if cooked without stuffing. An eight-pound turkey  will take two hours; a five-pound chicken one hour and
a half.


Draw and clean the chicken. Roast one quart of large   chestnuts; when done, remove the shells and mash. Put
one-half the chestnuts in a bowl, add a tablespoonful of   butter, a teaspoonful of salt, and a dash of pepper, mix
and fill the chicken the same as with bread-crumbs. Lard   the breast thickly with salt pork; place the chicken in a
baking-pan, add a half-cup of water and a half-teaspoonful   of salt; roast in a quick oven fifteen minutes to each
pound, basting every ten minutes. When done, dish,   remove the strings and skewers, garnish with parsley. Put  the remaining chestnuts in the pan in which the chicken   was roasted, mix well, add a half pint of stocky stir until it   boils, add salt and pepper to taste, and serve in a boat.   Chickens may also be stuffed with oyster or potato  stuffing.


For this dish select a fowl weighing about five or five and  a half pounds. Singe, draw, and truss without stuffing.
Put one sliced carrot, one onion, a few celery tops, and, if  you have it, a bay leaf, in a good-sized baking-pan; add a
piece of bacon or ham rind, a quart of water, a teaspoonful of salt, and a saltspoon of pepper. Put the chicken in
the pan, cover with another pan, and bake in a moderately  quick oven for about two and a half hours, basting every
ten or fifteen minutes. When the chicken is done, put  two tablespoonfuls of suet in a frying-pan ; when very
brown, add two level tablespoonfuls of flour, mix well, and  add the liquor from the pan in which the chicken was
braised. This should measure one pint, stir until it boils.  Serve in a boat.

Boiled ham may be served with the braised chicken.


Clean a fowl and disjoint it, wipe thoroughly with a damp  towel, and dust each piece lightly with flour. Have ready
a good-sized pan containing a mixture of suet and lard, or  better still, pure olive oil. Put the chicken into the hot fat,
cook slowly until nicely browned on one side, then turn  and brown the other. Dish carefully and pour from the
pan all the fat excepting two tablespoonfuls, add to this,  two tablespoonfuls of flour, mix and add one pint of cream
or milk, stir continually until it boils, add a level teaspoonful of salt, a dash of pepper, pour it over the chicken, and


Draw, and cut up a nice young chicken, wipe it well with  a damp cloth. Put two ounces of butter in a saucepan,
and when hot, put in the chicken, cook quickly without  cover until the pieces are nicely browned, then draw them
to one side of saucepan, add two tablespoonfuls of flour to  the butter, mix and add one pint of hot water, stir until
boiling, add a teaspoonful of salt, a slice of onion, a bay  leaf, and a dash of pepper, cover and simmer gently for
one hour. When done, dish the chicken, add the beaten  yolk of an egg to the sauce, pour it over the chicken,
sprinkle with chopped parsley, and serve. 


Singe and draw two pullets; disjoint them as you would  for a fricassee ; arrange the pieces in a large baking-dish,
a quarter-pound of ham may be cut into dice and mixed  throughly,  dust with salt and pepper, cover with water, put
a lid over the dish and bake in a quick oven for one and a  quarter hours. Put a half-cup of rice in a kettle of boil-
ing water and boil rapidly for twenty minutes. Drain,  add a tablespoonful of butter, two tablespoonfuls of cream,
a teaspoonful of salt, and a dash of pepper. Remove the  chicken from the oven, take off the lid, and, if the water
has evaporated, add sufficient milk to nearly cover the  chicken, dust again with a little salt, and put the rice over
the top to form a crust. Brush over with melted butter  and put back in the oven to brown. Serve in the dish in
which it was baked.


Chop cold cooked chicken fine, measure, and to every  pint add a tablespoonful of butter, two tablespoonfuls
of dried bread-crumbs, half a cup of stock or boiling  water, two eggs, slightly beaten, salt and pepper to
taste. Put all these ingredients into a saucepan and  stir over the fire for a moment until thoroughly mixed.
Fill custard cups two-thirds full with this mixture, stand  them in a baking-pan half-filled with boiling water, and
bake in a moderate oven twenty minutes. When done  turn them out carefully on a heated dish and pour around
them cream or Bechamel Sauce. Remains of cold roast or  boiled poultry can be used in this way.


Remove the skin, fat and sinews from cold cooked chicken,  then chop and measure it, and to every pint allow a half-
pint of milk, one large tablespoonful of butter, two large  tablespoonfuls of flour, one tablespoonful of chopped
parsley, twelve drops of onion juice, a quarter-teaspoonful  of nutmeg, salt and cayenne to taste. Put the milk on to
heat in a double boiler, rub the butter and flour to a  smooth paste, then stir into the boiling milk, and stir con-
tinually until it is very thick, take it from the fire, add the  meat and all the seasoning; mix thoroughly, tasting to see
if enough salt and pepper, turn out to cool. When cold  and stiff" form into cone-shaped croquettes (there are
molds for this purpose); dip these first in egg then in  bread-crumbs, and fry in smoking hot oil or fat. Sweet-
breads may be parboiled, chopped and added to the meat,  before measuring. All meat croquettes may be made
in the same manner.


Two cups of cold cooked meat chopped fine, add the  yolks of two eggs, a tablespoonful of butter, two table-
spoonfuls of stale bread-crumbs, a half-teaspoonful of  onion juice, a teaspoonful of salt and a quarter-teaspoon-
ful of black pepper. Put all these ingredients in a frying  pan, and stew over the fire until thoroughly mixed and
hot. Turn out to cool. When cold form into balls about  the size of a walnut, dip first in beaten egg  then in
bread-crumbs, then fry in smoking hot oil or fat. Serve with
sauce Bechamel.


A turkey may be stuffed with chestnuts, bread, potato,  or oyster stuffing and cooked precisely the same as a .


For boiling select a young hen turkey not weighing over  eight pounds. Clean, truss, and tie into shape, but do not
stuff. Dredge thickly with flour, put it into a kettleful of  boiling water, add a quarter-cup of washed rice, a bay leaf,
and a slice of onion, cover the kettle closely, boil rapidly  for five minutes, then put it over a moderate fire to simmer
gently for two hours; serve with Egg or Oyster Sauce.  The water in which it was boiled should be saved for


Clean and wipe two young ducks, tie them into  shape, put them in a baking-pan, put thin slices of
pork over their breasts, dust with pepper, add a half   cup of water to the pan, and bake in a quick oven
for one hour. Take the ducks from the pan, and then put  in one tablespoonful of butter and two of flour, stir and
cook until the flour is a dark brown, then add one pint of  stock, a tablespoonful of raw ham, chopped fine, a teaspoonful of grated onion, and a palatable seasoning of salt  and pepper. Stir continually until it boils and add two
dozen stoned olives. Cook gently five minutes and pour  over and around the ducks, and serve.


Singe, draw, and wipe the goose. Put into a bowl two cups  of stale bread-crumbs, add one onion, chopped fine,
quarter-pound of bacon, chopped, a tablespoonful of powdered sage, a teaspoonful of salt, and a saltspoon of black
pepper; mix. Put two tablespoonfuls of this mixture in  the space from which the crop was taken and sew it up, put
the remainder in the body and sew up that vent also, then  truss the goose and place it in a baking-pan, dredge with
pepper, add a cup of warm water to the pan, and bake and  baste for at least three hours. Two chopped apples may be
added to the filling if liked.

Apple sauce should be served with the goose.



Rub together one tablespoonful of butter and one of flour,  and add gradually a half-pint of boiling water. Stand the
bowl in a saucepan of boiling water, and stir for two minutes, add a half teaspoonful of salt, a little pepper, take
from the fire and stir in hastily another tablespoonful of  butter.

This is a delightful sauce to serve with boiled fish,  asparagus, or cauliflower, and if you add a tablespoonful
of capers to it, you have Caper Sauce for boiled mutton.

Again if you add two hard-boiled eggs, chopped fine,  you have Egg Sauce for boiled fish or fowl.


Melt one tablespoonful of butter, add a tablespoonful of  flour, add a half-pint of cream or milk, stir continually until
it boils, add a half-teaspoonful of salt, and a dash of  pepper, and it is ready to use.

This sauce may be used with boiled lobster, sweetbreads, chicken cutlets, potatoes, turnips, cabbage, and
other similar dishes.


Melt two tablespoonfuls of butter in a small saucepan, add  to it two tablespoonfuls of flour and stir until colored a
dark brown, then add one pint of stock, a tablespoonful  of chopped ham, the same of chopped onion, two whole
cloves, a half-teaspoonful of salt, and a dash of cayenne.  Stir continually until it boils, simmer for a moment, strain
and use.


Chop fine one large tablespoonful of parsley; then rub it  with one tablespoonful of butter, add four tablespoonfuls
of hot cream or milk, a dash of pepper, and pour it at  once over broiled salt fish.


Put one tablespoonful of butter in a frying-pan to melt,  mix with it a tablespoonful of flour, stir until smooth, and
then add a half-pint of strained stewed tomatoes, stir continually until it boils, and add a half-teaspoonful of onion
juice, a grating of nutmeg, a teaspoonful of salt, and a  dash of black pepper, and it is ready to serve.


Boil twenty-five oysters in their own liquor for one minute,  stirring continually; drain, put the liquor back on the fire;
add one cup of cream or milk; rub one tablespoonful of  butter and two of flour to a smooth paste, and stir into the
boiling liquor until it thickens. Chop the oysters into  dice, add them to the sauce, season with salt and pepper,
and take from the fire. This will curdle if boiled after  adding the oysters. Serve with poultry and boiled fish.


Put one tablespoonful of butter in a frying-pan, and cook  until a dark brown, then add a rounding tablespoonful of
flour, and brown that also, then add quickly a half-pint of  stock or warm water, stir continually until it boils, add a
half-teaspoonful of salt, a dash of pepper, and it is ready  to use.


Wash and peel one pint of fresh mushrooms, put them in  a porcelain lined or granite saucepan with a tablespoonful
of butter; cook fifteen minutes, stirring constantly and  chopping with a silver spoon; then sprinkle over an even
tablespoonful of sifted flour, mix, add two tablespoonfuls  of stock or cream, and a palatable seasoning of salt and
pepper; pour over and around the steak.


Put a half-pint of milk or cream in a double boiler. Rub  together a tablespoonful of butter, and an even tablespoon-
ful of flour, then stir them into the boiling milk, add one  ounce of young horse-radish, finely grated, a half-teaspoon-
ful of salt, and a half-teaspoonfiil of sugar.

This is exceedingly nice to serve with boiled, fresh or  salt fish.


Take one tablespoonful of chopped parsley and rub it to  a paste, then add gradually, rubbing all the while, the
yolks of three hard-boiled eggs; add a quarter of a teaspoonful of dry mustard, and a teaspoonfiil of Worcestershire sauce, mix until smooth, and add a tablespoonful of  vinegar, two tablespoonfuls of olive oil, and a teaspoonful
grated onion; then add gradually a half-pint of boiling  stock, season with salt and pepper, and serve at once.


Put a half-pint of vinegar in a small porcelain sauce pan,  and evaporate it over the fire until reduced one-half; then
add a tablespoonful of brown sugar, a gill of water, and  a heaping tablespoonful of finely chopped young mint
leaves; bring to boiling point and serve.


Rub together three tablespoonfuls of finely chopped young
mint leaves and three tablespoonfuls of brown sugar; when
thoroughly mixed, add gradually a gill of good vinegar,
and it is ready to use.

Susan Tyson Rorer was  the author of 75 cook books and pamphlets, edited her own magazine Table Talk.  She  headed- The Model Restaurant (East Pavilion Cafe), which could seat  1200 people on the fairgrounds.  Her World's Fair Souvenir Cook Book sold for 50  cents. This cook book I  found  online and  was quite  a  mess,  I tried  to  fix the scanning translation issues  and make  it presentable. Because of my server being unable  to place the  entire cookbook on a single page, the  book is  in five  parts.  Enjoy.  

To  read more about  Mrs. Rorer and other women of  the Fair, click on-  Women at the Fair page.
Lee  Gaskins'  AT THE FAIR  The 1904 St. Louis World's   Fair 
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